Oh shit pt.2

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Katia's P.O.V

We pull completely apart and stand in an awkward triangle. Me looking at the ground, Peter looking at something behind me, and Alexander just standing in front of us probably looking at us but I can't tell.

I clear my throat "ok... Um I'll see you tomorrow, I had a really great time today" I said smiling shyly at Peter. He gave me a smirk and hugged me "well do it again soon" he said. "We'd better" I commanded jokingly, letting him go.

He turns and walks into the forest smiling slightly at me before disappearing into the forest. I sigh happily and then my eyes land on Alexander who looks quite annoyed with the tree that Peter was just standing in front of. I look at him fully "what did you need Alexander?" I asked In the voice I use with the leaders.

He finally looks at me, his anger fading slightly, "I just wanted to tell you about the leader meeting we are having at my estate the day after tomorrow at 7:00 PM to discuss a very important issue" he says with a worried expression on his face. "What's wrong Alexander?" I ask lightly touching his shoulder comfortingly.

He looks me in the eyes "there are rogues, they're gathering along the border of the forest. They're starting to sneak into the packs, most of them have been caught but some are still out there. So far we've gotten word that there are 3 rogues left, 1 in the obedience pack, one in my pack (the beauty pack) and..." he sighs "and one in yours" I gasp getting really scared.

Everyone in my old pack knew my experiences with rogues weren't good, I remember that night like it was yesterday:


I had been with my sisters up until that moment since they're friends showed up and they turned back into the witches I was so very familiar with.

I had just started walking and now, when I looked around, I couldn't recognize anything. Sure, I went on runs, but it was at night where the werewolf eyes are better used. Right now I didn't recognize anything and I was starting to get worried.

Obviously my sisters hadn't come looking for me. They were probably somewhere with their friends thinking I got him on the bus or something. I hated how none of them ever cared about me.

My sisters wanted to be popular, so they left me to be the outcast. My mother was embarrassed of me and acted like I didn't exist. My father, he didn't even come home long enough to notice I was even born. They all didn't care.

My thoughts were interrupted when I'd heard a branch snap along with some leaves underneath someone's paws. Oh shit! Someone's paws. Who the fuck is here! Right after that I heard a growl followed by the drawing of fur against the floor. They were getting closer!

I'd turned to see the darkest eye I'd ever faced. I was stuck, frozen in my place. And then in a flash of light I was slashed with a giant claw. If landed on the ground just IN front of the, I was assuming, rogue.

Only the could I take on the rest of it. It had talk grey fur that you could tell didn't mean it was old. It looked quite young. They were very big about the size of an alpha wolf.

I snapped back to the present and felt something warm drip down my forehead. I reached up and felt it, looking down at my hand I saw blood. The damn thing slashed my forehead. I stared at the creature tears brimming my eyes. I didn't want to cry though.

If it weren't an alpha like if assumed it was, I would've probably been able to heal. But no it was a rogue alpha and it was going to take about as long as a human. I stared at it with emotionless eyes as I thought.

I was thinking about how maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe they are finally letting me bleed out on the floor. Maybe they wouldn't have to ignore me, I'd just be gone. Either way this was the end, and, sadly to say it I wasn't trying to stop it.

As I was about to shut my eyes I saw the beast move and soon I was unconscious. I'd woken up in the pack hospital. I'd remembered what had happened, and they'd asked me. I explained and for a few days I thought things had changed u too, finally they started up again and the torment stated again.

Since then I only took runs at night or if in the morning but only with my mom (the moon goddess) and only her.

End of flashback

I looked back out of the memory to realize that I was crying. Alexander stood there, looking like he was firing an internal battle. Finally one side lost and he gently pulled me into a hug.

I snuggled deeper into his shoulder as I sobbed uncontrollably and loudly and he just hugged me tighter. I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore. I pulled back and smiled at him. He smiled too as he gave me one more comforting squeeze.

He looked at me "it's okay, there is a good chance they will it be able to get to you because of all of the guards, and because you've got me" he said cockily with a wing. I laughed and smiled "I wonder who can get through you" I said with an eye roll.

He smiled and pointed at me with a serious expression "if you ever deal unsafe or anything like that just call me ok, or any of the leaders" he said. I nodded and smiled thankfully at him "thank you sir, your services are no longer needed" I said jokingly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He chuckled and started walking down the porch steps before he turned around and bowed deeply smiling mischievously "milady" he said and then disappeared into the forest.

I thought that I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight but thinking about how Alexander had said so seriously that he'd make sure I was okay and that I could call him for anything. He told me not to worry, I trusted him.

So that night I went to sleep thinking about everything that happened and all of what happened tonight led right to what helped me sleep. They all, led to Alexander Michael White

A Stranger To Yourself (Previously I Curse You All, To Hell And Back)Where stories live. Discover now