The Badass Weaslette (George Weasley Love Story) Chapter Six

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A/N: Thanks for all the comments - again! This is the first story that I've ever uploaded that the chapters have either

a) are longer than two pages long

b) flow (kinda)

and c) Not a big gap between chapters - I used to upload two to three weeks... but this story is doing awesome for me! :D

Note: I might edit this chapter and dedicate to someone. So, be aware... :P I dedicated to RighterReader cause she gave me the pic for my current cover, and made a cover for me which I will put up at the side..


    George and I somehow settled an unspoken truce about what happened on Friday; Fred would make kissing noises whenever I happened to be next to George, and was something that I was trying to avoid now - without making it too obvious, of course. So, that really meant that George and I never managed to discuss what actually happened - what it means - which was fine by me. I think it was actually him that wanted to talk about it, as I would scarper as soon as I saw him.

     "I can't believe it's the end of the holidays already!" I moaned now on Monday morning as I got dressed. My school trunk was lying at the foot of my bed, ready to be taken downstairs; Aphrodite I had sent onto Hogwarts, so her cage, empty and spotless since I had just cleaned it, sat next to it.

     "You're just upset about it being your OWL year," Ginny said sleepily as she rose from her bed, her red hair tussled and hanging in front of her face.

     "True," I agreed, yanking on my trainers; we would get changed into our school robes on the Hogwarts Express, the train that would take us to the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

     I had just reached the first floor landing in time to see Fred, George, Ron and Harry disappear into the kitchen, Mrs Weasley shouting something about a Quill being hidden... Intrigued, I moved forwards.

     "Morning, boys!" I chirped as I entered the kitchen. Mr Weasley was bending over the fireplace as his wife rushed over to him a Quill in her hands; he took it and began scribbling down on a piece of parchment what Amos Diggory - whose head was just sitting casually in the fire - was telling him.

     "Alright, I'm off," said Mr Weasley, stuffing the parchment into his back-to-front robes and dashed out of the kitchen, almost colliding with me.

     "What's happening?" I asked, and Ron shrugged, Fred and George looked mystified, while Harry looked nonplussed at Amos's head.

     My heart suddenly started beating rapidly as I glanced at Harry to George and back again; he... he hadn't told Harry that I was his sister... had he? I hope not - I trusted George, and if he had told him, he's not who I think he was...

     As this thought ran through my mind, George turned and caught my eye; he grinned and did a thumbs-up. I blushed slightly as I returned his smile.

     I could hear Mr Weasley calling goodbye to Bill, Charlie, Percy and Ginny and Hermione. In the next five minutes he was skidding into the kitchen, robes the right way and a comb in his hand.

     "I'd better hurry - you have a good term, Willow; boys," said Mr Weasley, snatching up a cloak. "Molly, are you going to be all right taking the kids to King's Cross?"

     "Of course I will," said Mrs Weasley. Her husband nodded once more before vanishing, and Bill and Charlie chose that moment to enter the kitchen.

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