How It Started

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This is a story about me, John, who created a crap ton of pop songs. Wait, let's not get ahead of ourselves and let's actually see how my career started.

As a kid, I didn't have many friends. Well, imaginary friends, but ya know they aren't real so it isn't the same as regular friends.

I remember listening to my first song. I started singing and singing and singing. I eventually actually got a guitar and drum set with money that I either got from Christmas or chores.

I got bullied a lot too, that actually also inspired me to make music. As I was bullied, I was tired of getting bloody noses, broken bones, anything!

Then the talent show came. I thought that I could prove everyone that I could do something with my life. So I got up on the stage, and sang my voice away.

The judges ended up screaming, and the audience too... (now I know what you're gonna say, "Oh no, he didn't make it?") of joy.

I was a hit sensation, I went up to the bullies and smacked all three of them, it felt good to walk away with one hand red. (NOT OF BLOOD, OF LIKE A MARK KINDA) It felt good to hear the smack of flesh against a hand.

The judges actually thought that I was so good that they signed me up for the singing business!

I was so excited! No longer a disappointment to my family, I could follow new dreams and live my life to the fullest!

Ok, I just wanted to make something straight, yes I will have an AN at the end of each chapter.
New update, I will not make a couple of stories at a time, I will focus on one and try to make a new part weekly, so yea.
BTW, I think that I need a name for all my fans, the Coradettians, (my last name) lol yea so cya next time Coradettians!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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