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Alex POV
Day one of college. Well classes won't start for another day. Here we go. I walk calmly to my dorm holding a milk shake, aching to know who my dorm mate is. Martha had been the one assigning dorms and when she saw mine she went 'ohh, that's a rough one.' My own adopted mother thinks my roommate will hate me. With a sigh I open my door. I hear someone in the kitchen.

"Door was unlocked." I yell.

"Sorry." A familiar voice responds.  Grunting I walk into the kitchen. I drop my milkshake when I recognize the person. "Great you made a me-" the man trails off when he sees my face. "Ew a gremlin." He sneers curling his lip.

"Fuck you Thomas fucking Jefferson. Keep the noise level down with the std's you bring in here." I hiss. Thomas shoots me a casual middle finger. I search through cabinets for paper towels. All I find is kraft Mac and cheese. "Ew. You like Mac and cheese?" I growl.

"Who doesn't?" Thomas asks.

"My mother's last meal was mac and cheese." I spit in disgust.

"Before she was sentenced to death for having an ass like you?" Thomas jeers.

"Before dying of a disease while holding my hand." I shoot back. Thomas' face is covered in guilt. I go into the fridge and find paper towels next to milk. "Why the fuck are the paper towels in the fridge?" I yell.

"Why are you in my house?" Thomas snaps.

"I live here?" I retort and start cleaning up my milk shake mess. When I'm finished I go to grab some coffee but the coffee machine is no where in sight. "Where's the coffee maker?" I scream.

"Ever try tea? Coffee is bad for you." Thomas growls.

"Where is it?" I yell back.

"Under the sink." He screeches. I grab it and make a pot of coffee. Thomas leaves. Pulling out my laptop I sadly look at my screensaver. A picture of me and John. John had died a few years earlier by suicide. Can you guess why? Thomas. Fucking. Jefferson.


My heart races as I run through the forest. I hear John cry in pain somewhere.

"You are a piece of shit!" Thomas screams. John cries in response. I hide behind a tree. Thomas suddenly grabs me by my collar.

"Thomas please don't hurt him!" John cries. I look and smile weakly at my friend.

"Kill yourself faggot." Thomas laughs. Tears brim his eyes and he runs off. Thomas proceeds to beat the shit out of me. A few minutes pass and somewhere in the woods I hear a gunshot. I squeeze between Thomas' legs and find the origin of the shot. John dead next to a river and a note. Or reads

Whoever finds me first,

This has gone on too long. A year ago this boy began harassing me and my best friend. Ever since then my life has gone to hell.
Alex if you're reading this know I loved you so much and I'm so sorry. I'll see you again though. One day. I'll see you on the other side but please take your time.

-John Laurens.

I call the cops.
Flashback over.
With a deep sigh I begin working, not realizing tears are streaming down my face. Pulling John's note out of my wallet I cry harder. Thomas barges in carrying two steaming cups. He sets one down and flops onto the extra chair across from me. I continue sobbing while holding the browning note.

"I brought you some coff-" Thomas begins but sees I'm crying and stops. "What's wrong?" He asks. He notices the picture of John and I attached to the note. I paper clipped it there years ago. Trembling I look up.

"You know exactly what's wrong." I scream. I race into my bedroom. I looked at the room and to my bags where something calls out to me.

Don't Forget That I Love You (Jamilton)(Republished) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now