Chapter 17

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It had been pandemonium after Kuroko had been taken. The heroes and policemen alike had tried to pursue, but they couldn't shoot without risking the vigilante's life. Neither did anyone in the area have a Quirk suited for high-speed chases over rooftops. Instead, they watched. They all watched as Todoroki's friend was picked up and taken to who-knows-where.

He'd nearly lost control of his fire he'd been so angry - angry at the heroes, at Kuroko, at himself.

His mind had been in utter chaos since the day before. The teen sat in his room, staring at the ceiling as if it would give him some sort of answer. After twenty minutes with no substantial results, he sighed and sat up.

When Kuroko had shoved Iida out of the way, Todoroki had been in shock. The way he screamed the name made it sound like Kuroko knew Iida personally. However, that wasn't what caught him off guard the most. No, that had been how the vigilante's eyes were the exact same green as his friend's. But that was impossible - his friend was soft hearted, kind, passionate and Quirkless to boot. Midoriya wasn't the Black Fox, he couldn't be. That was what Todoroki had told himself over and over. Up until he had seen the news covering the disappearance, and likely kidnapping, of one Midoriya Izuku.

He'd been too exhausted to make sense of it at first. He was bruised and aching and sweaty. At that point in time, his thoughts had been more occupied with food, a damn shower, and sleep. Now that he was awake, though, he felt like slamming his head against the wall. Things had started to make a ridiculous amount of sense. The way Midoriya looked dead on his feet half the time, the way he'd flipped Bakugou over with a single arm - Todoroki was especially frustrated at himself when Midoriya's fractured arm came to mind. He had seen the vigilante a mere day before, had seen him get grabbed by a...a thing with strength that could match All-Might's and yet Todoroki still couldn't connect it to the large hand-shaped bruise around his friend's forearm. The teen hit his face with the palm of his hand. He, Todoroki Shouto, son of the number two hero in Japan, was a god damn idiot.

Ok, so his friend was Kuroko, the most notorious vigilante in Japan excluding the Hero-Killer, what now? Midoriya was in the hands of the League, he could deduce that much. Now he had to somehow find out where he'd been taken and rescue his friend. There was only one problem to his scheme: he couldn't do it alone. But who could he turn to? No one else knew Kuroko's identity. Unless Todoroki told them, they wouldn't-

This time, the teen actually did hit his head against the wall. Ignoring the slight throbbing, he took out his phone and opened the group chat.

Todoroki: Meet me at my house. There's something you all need to know.

It didn't take long for them to respond.

Kahiro: Uh, not that I'm not happy at this sudden invitation, but why the sudden invitation? What could be so important you couldn't tell us over the phone?

Shinshou: I agree, and not just because I have a cat sitting on my lap and I don't have the heart to move her

Uraraka: Sure? We don't have your address tho

Iida: I'm sorry to tell you that I am unable to come, I'm with my brother.

He probably should have expected the confusion, so with a sigh, he sent another text.

Todoroki: It's about Midoriya.

Kahiro: ....

Kahiro: what's your address

Shinshou: already out the door, Haru will have to forgive me later.

Uraraka: telling my dad I'll be gone for a bit

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