Chapter 2 ~ Him

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~ Meanwhile with the villains... ~

Blackberry's POV (In Swapfell)

There's no way this would ever work. I mean, in most universes it's difficult to find even ONE completely innocent soul. And my own universe only has kindness when it came to Chara, I'm still wondering where the fuck they've ran off to, but I really didn't care for them. I'm not sure why... but I just couldn't stand the human. Only sometimes, but for the majority of the time I locked them up, I didn't care one bit about them. I probably shouldn't even know about the resets, but Nightmare found a way to let me keep my memories over the past timelines.

I was walking around Snowin, looking for anyone innocent enough to be capured by me. Whenever a monster would ask what I was doing, I would always say that I'm on patrol. Which was partly even true. My brother wasn't an exception. As I passed by Muffet's, Papyrus came out.

"Sup, bro? Whaddya doing back so early? Did something come up between you and the others?" He asked me. I glared at him when I realized him not calling me by what he was supposed to call me.

"Papyrus, that is 'M'Lord' to you! And what the fuck are you doing outside of your station?" I replied. If it hadn't been for me being more focused on searching for a hostage then I had probably punished him again. "And I'm early home because I am on duty, Nightmare assigned each of us to find something." I said as I started to walk again, glancing over everyone I saw, Papyrus followed close behind.

"And what would that be?"

"A hostage."

"It's not really hard, just capture a random monster."

"No, Papyrus. We need an innocent hostage, someone who would lure the Star Sanses towards us."

"Oh. Welp. Then I can't help ya. I'll be at my station if you need me."

After Papyrus used one of his 'shortcuts', I sighed in frustration. 'How the fuck am I supposed to find something that doesn't even exist in my universe?!' I walked around the town until I spotted the Riverman. I always found him creepy because he never did anything else than just wait on his boat for someone to ask- no, order him to bring them elsewhere. He would usually stand there alone with just his stupid singing.

However, he wasn't alone.

There stood another cloaked person next to him, they were a bit shorter though. They seemed to be talking, but when they noticed me they stopped. I could see a mischievious smirk forming on the shorter figure's face since their hood's shadow didn't cover their whole face. The Riverman's cloak covered his whole body like always.

"Hello Sans, do wish to go to Hotland? Or do you prefer Waterfall today? Perhaps you'd like to join in on our conversation? My friend here would like to talk to you anyway." The Riverman asked, the shorter person held their hand over their mouth like they were trying to hold back their laughter. That made me mad.

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