The Ancient One

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Chapter Seven

The Ancient One

We were in a darkly-lit room; I guess because shape-shifters have enhanced sight they don't need too much light; I thought before I groaned. Did I just rhyme my thoughts? We had left the hall to climb a ridiculously long staircase, which led to this place. I would've felt more nervous, if I had been less drowsy; but climbing those stairs had filled me with a need to sleep. A large wooden table sat in the middle of the maroon-painted room, surrounded by twelve cloaked figures.

According to Raphael they were the 'Elders.'. I just wanted to go back to camp and hop into my warm snuggly bed. But first I had to get this oath thing down. I understood why it was important. I wasn't going to lie. Not every human would react the same way I had.

At the head of the table sat a Cherokee-looking old man with a serious expression on his face. His eyes were brown and sincere and his long black hair hung loosely around his shoulders. I figured he was the Ancient One. I felt a little bit nervous; everyone was so silent.

He was wearing normal clothes though; thank God. Raphael had my clammy hand clutched in his warm one still, and although he was making me get butterflies in my stomach; I wasn't going to be the one to tell him to let go.

We approached the table.

"Greetings, elders." Announced Raphael. I was slightly startled when a chorus of :

"Greetings Raphael. Report your news." Echoed throughout the room. Feeling Slightly awkward I whispered :

"The ancient one can't talk?" Raphael ignored me.

"I have with me a human. Her name is Peyton Clarke." He said just before whispers erupted from the cloaked figures. Suddenly, one of them stood.

"Who is the human Raphael?" He demanded, lips curving into a snarl. I shivered at his gruff tone of voice, and Raphael squeezed my hand.

"She is one of the Lakewood campers. Earlier today she faced a vampire attack; from Zauraus. Fortunately Faye was with her, and managed to alert me. I was able to defeat him."

"Yes Raphael. We heard. Continue." The same man urged.

"Unfortunately Peyton Clarke, wasn't able to have her memories wiped. For some reason, it didn't work on her."

Collective gasps and mutterings echoed throughout the room.

Raphael and I waited to hear what they would say with bated breaths. They whispered among themselves, seeming lost on a decision. I felt like speaking up to defend myself-but I didn't know how.

"Bring the girl to me." The ancient one interrupted suddenly. Everyone froze at the sound of his old, but commanding tone. Shaking slightly, Raphael and I went around the table to approach the Ancient One. Truth be told, I was slightly in awe of him; and kind of scared.

When we reached him Raphael let go of my hand and stepped backwards. Suddenly, the ancient one grasped my hands into his, and I startled, feeling slight electricity. I was in shock, but I didn't move. He closed his eyes, humming strange words under his breath. I dared not breathe. A strong current was flowing between us. It was invisible, but I felt it. It was strong and warm and electric.

His eyes snapped open. Facing the room he said:

"This girl is no human. She is one of us."

I gasped and pulled my hands away, to face stony silence. I was sure the look on my face spelled incredulity. I couldn't believe that-that was impossible. How could I be a shape-shifter? Wouldn't I know, somehow?

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