Acting - Part 1

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These next prompts are based on things that happened in my rehearsal for Into The Woods today.

This can be a student Au or a legit actor's role.

Josh plays the baker, and the girl who plays the baker's wife is sick during a rehearsal, so the director asks Simon, the co director , to play the wife, since no one else is available.

The two know each other kinda, they've seen each other around the theatre and talked a couple of times, and since they're both confident guys, are more than willing to overact their affections during their duets for the enjoyment of the rest of the cast.

But when does it stop being an act?

Extra: When this happened irl, the guy playing the Baker's wife was openly gay. Idk it made it funnier.

Bonus: if the director loves it so much she decides to change the script for a gay couple and keeps it like that.

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