49| Invincibility

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Invincibility: protects the possessor from any physical or magical harm.


I'm sorry about this but this chapter changes to third person halfway through because it's just easier! Tbh I should've written this book in third person. Some of these chapters are hard to write from one person's pov so the next few chapters might be switching to third person.


Enjoy xx



S.E. // The 7th Supreme

  My words immediately rendered Harry speechless, watching his eyes grow wide all of a sudden and lips part at my sudden confession. He took a step back, gazing at me in utter shock as his lips parted and closed while he tried to form some sort of comprehensible sentence in response to what I said. I simply started at him with a pleading look in my eye, wanting him to say something that was hopefully not bad. I never thought about what sort of reaction he would have because I was so consumed with the thoughts of what reactions other people would have, let alone the father of my child.

  His eyes searched for mine, looking as if he finally prepared something to say. But sudden banging against the bark of the tree up above caught my attention. Harry couldn't hear it because he didn't have the ability of clairaudience like I did, where I could hear things out of the normal hearing range. It was Maximus. Once I let him in, he came running down frantically, a furious, worried look in his eyes.

   "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he yelled at me, causing me to flinch in shock and surprise. "Are you seriously that idiotic? Running along to the woods and meeting The Saviors, when there's about twenty men and a dozen witches, all while you're pregnant!"

   "Maximus," Harry spoke up sternly, stepping forwards and pulling him back.

   "No! It's because of you everything's fucked up right now, and we have to save your pathetic ass," Maximus seethed, pointing a finger at me with a vexed expression, utterly pissed off. "You're practically useless right now!" he waved his hands around in exasperation, and then noticing Harry's slightly confused look. "The unborn child is taking up her powers," he explained.

   "That's why you were in pain when you took down those witches and Saviors," Harry muttered in realization, making me nod a little.

   "It hurts every time I try to use an ability that requires a lot of energy and concentration," I explained a little, making him nod in understanding.

   "Then it's best you don't use your powers as much, it might be dangerous," Harry told me; as I bobbed my head in respond before Maximus started ranting again.

   "Like I said! Useless!" he exclaimed, making Harry shoot him a vexed glare, clenching his jaw. "Also, what the fuck happened to your dog? She's dead out there!"

  His question made my face grow pale all of a sudden, my lower lip trembling as I remembered the events that included Nymeria's death. Harry looked to me with wide and confused eyes, lips parting when he saw the tears spring from my eyes, my hands raising up to cup my face. Harry immediately dove forwards, taking me into his arms.

   "Baby, what happened?" he whispered ever so quietly, making me sob harder.

   "T-They killed her, Harry! It's all my fault," I cried hard, sniffling against his chest while clutching his t-shirt. "Maximus is right, I'm so fucking stupid."

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