>> Form <<

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Okay let's start with the form! Just fill this in and DM it to me and I'll get started.
(EDIT: I realised you can't copy and paste so just screenshot it and send it to me to easy reference and just type it I guess )

GENRE: ( Eg: cute, fluffy etc)
PLOT: ( Eg: BTS are actually vampires LOL etc BE EXACT about whats going to actually happen thanks )
MOOD: (Eg: Romantic, fun etc)
ARE BTS FAMOUS OR NOT IN THIS STORY: (If yes, famous in what way? As KPOP idols? If no, what do they do for a living etc)
CHARACTERS: (Clearly state who is going to be in the story and their characteristics
Eg: Jimin, age 21, wearing a cap, white face mask, sunglasses, black shirt and ripped jeans holding a leather work bag etc or you can tell me to choose their outfits for you. )
REMARKS: (Eg: I want to dedicate this story to my friend ETC any other things that I didn't mention in this form you want me to include just put it here 😋)

Okay and that's it! I'll start writing as soon as I get the form and I'll try to post it early!

Take note:
- No rude comments
- If I made an error with the facts or spelling or typo etc PLEASE DM me.
- If you want smut I'll try my best but I have literally no experience in that genre (if you want I wont dedicate the chap to you too 😉 so people wont know 😂😂)
- I can't think of anything else to go on the form or here so just rmb to vote ( Click the lil star button ) and comment you thoughts AS LONG AS THEY AREN'T RUDE OR OFFENSIVE

THANK YOU! LOVE YOU ALL!! I hope this will turn out great, I sincerely apologize if what came out wasn't what you expected. I'll try to update quickly so

< Oml I'm behaving like a little kid HAHAHA sorry~ >

~ Renee 💟

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