13 | night conversations, issues and slamming doors

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night conversations, issues and slamming doors

NERVOUSNESS IS one of the feelings buried somewhere deep down in the human nature.

So is the spasmodic beat of our hearts when something, or someone, makes us stressed out up to the point of feeling nervously uncomfortable.

Collin Adamms is the reason behind both of these things for me at the moment. The same applies for sleeping in his room.

I still didn't quite recover from the shock that Rose offered me to stay the night here, and now I'm standing in the doorway of Collin's room while I cautiously watch him move around some of his things, simultaneously picking up few items of his clothing as he throws a pillow onto the pallet he just made on the ground. Can this day get any more surprising?

Suddenly, the idea of my staying here doesn't feel that enjoyable anymore. I can't help but feel like a complete burden. Also, I feel a little ashamed for his gesture, no matter what kind of reason may be hidden behind it, since I'm not so sure I'd have done the same if I were in his position.

Inhaling a deep breath, I fill my lungs completely as I clench my fists a little at my sides, using the motion of flexing and un-flexing to keep calm. "You don't have to do this. I'm fine sleeping on the couch."

My voice comes out weaker and way more pathetic than I anticipated and I allow my eyes to squeeze shut for a split second before reopening them again. I regret it instantly, since his piercing blue eyes are already intently watching me. "You have no idea what you're talking about. I've slept on that couch several times in the past, and believe me when I say it shouldn't be allowed to call the thrashing on it all night long sleeping."

As much as I try to appear indifferent, I can't stop my brows from knitting together. Why is he suddenly being so casually nice to me? The last time I've spoken to him didn't really go well, considering he accused me of having concealed intentions when it comes to my "friendship" with Cassidy. Not that he's wrong, but still, the thought of him knowing about my plan of game scares the living hell out of me. Then, he wanted to stop by my house and give me the stuff I forgot at Tarryn's house. . .

I look back up at him, scrolling my eyes over his tensed features. He crosses his arms over his chest and sighs, bringing his eyes to the ceiling above his head. "Look, Aspen. I can see how uncomfortable you're with this but I feel like an ass for the way I cornered you at Tarryn's house yesterday after what you've done for Rose, and this --" he nods his head toward the bed beside him, "--is the best kind of apology I'm able to give you."

He presses his lips into a thin line and I notice his throat roll as he swallows. "I won't make any moves on you, promise. The bed is all yours."

By the time those words leave his mouth, he's already seated down on the ground, his hands casually draped over his legs, hugging them to his chest. The way he's looking up at me makes something in my stomach uneasily twist but I push what I need to say out nonetheless. "I can agree on sleeping in this room with you but forcing you to sleep on the ground just so I could sleep on your bed is already too much, Collin. I don't feel comfortable with this arrangement. At all."

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