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- Thursday March 24th, 2;30 p.m -

- Camila sat in the studio listening to Melanie sing some of her new songs. She smiled at how great her best friend sounded, there was one song that was her favorite in particular though, it was called "Blue Blue Knees". Camila didn't know why she loved that song, but she did.

"She sounds great doesn't she?" Charli asked as she sat next to the younger girl. "Yeah, she always sounds great." Camila said as Charli nodded in agreement, "So what's up with you and that entire Lauren thing?" Charli asked and Camila only shrugged. "She still hates my guts, I'm still pretending like it doesn't bother me, I'm still pretending that I don't love her. You know, the usual." Camila said chuckling and Charli only frowned. "I doubt she "hates you guts"." Charli said and Camila shrugged.

"I don't know, I mean I wouldn't blame her if she really did." Camila said and Charli stared at her, "And why is that?" Charli asked. "Because I left." Camila said, "Just cause you left the band doesn't mean you left them." Charli said bluntly. "You're still here, you still love and care about them." Charli added and Camila only sighed, "I know, but I could've done things differently, I could've sucked it up and stayed." Camila said looking down.

"I know I'm not very much older than you, and I'm not very wise either, but if there's one thing that I do know; it's that you can't help how you feel. If something's hurting you, and you decide that you don't want to be hurting anymore, leaving whatever it was, is not something you or anyone should be upset about. Because for once you did something for yourself. But sometimes the people we love, don't notice all the times that we ignored the things that hurt us, for them; sometimes they only see that one selfish act." Charli said sincerely causing Camila to look up at her. "I didn't- I didn't mean to hurt anyone." Camila said, feeling tears burn in the rim of her eyes.

"I know you didn't. But sometimes you can't control how you feel, just like you can't control how others feel. Sometimes you just gotta accept the fact that not everyone is going to understand why you do things you do, but that's okay. Because if someone really loves you, regardless if they understand or not, even if they never admit it, they'll always secretly wish you well." Charli said softly, "And I bet that's exactly what the girls are doing." Charli added and Camila only shook her head as she wiped some tears away.

"No." She said sniffling, "I don't think they are. You didn't- you didn't see how mad they were at me. Lauren- Lauren hates me, and that's understandable, I mean I think she hated me even before I left. But Dinah hates me, Charli. She's my best friend in the entire world, your best friend isn't supposed to hate you. But it's my fault, because your best friend is also supposed to never leave you." Camila said, letting more tears fall from her brown eyes. Charli's heart broke as she stared at the younger girl. She hadn't known Camila for a very long time, but she did know that Camila had a kind soul. A type of soul that just breaks your heart whenever they're sad.

"I know it's hard," Charli started as she took a deep breath, trying to get her thoughts together and put them into words. "And I wish I could tell you that it's gonna get easier, but it's not." Charli said, causing Camila to look up at her. "Getting over someone you used to date, is easy. But getting over your best friends? That's the hardest thing you'll probably ever have to do. I know Lauren was not only your first love, she was your best friend, she was everything to you. And Dinah, Normani, and Ally? They were your rocks. But sometimes you have to learn how to stand on your own." Charli said and Camila only sniffled quietly, letting more tears fall.

"I know it sucks, and it's gonna be hard, but you'll be okay." Charli said softly, Camila only leaned her head on the older girls shoulder, trying to stop the tears from falling. "I hope so." Camila said quietly.


- Lauren sat in the studio, staring at her phone. She had texted Camila earlier, but for some reason, the younger girl never answered. Lauren only sighed as she set her phone down and stared at the empty piece of paper that she was supposed to be writing songs on.

"You okay?" Dinah asked and Lauren only chuckled, "Wow, you seem to ask me that a lot lately." Lauren joked, not answering Dinah's question. Dinah only sat down next to Lauren and shrugged, "The real question is, are you okay?" Lauren asked and Dinah only stared at her in a confused way.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Dinah asked, Lauren sighed, she looked around, even though she knew they were alone in the studio. Because Ally had a doctor's appointment and Normani was practicing. "We never talked about the entire Camila thing." Lauren said bluntly and Dinah froze.

"Camila? Wow I haven't heard that name escape your lips in awhile." Dinah said, ignoring Lauren's comment. "I know she was your best friend, D." Lauren said softly and Dinah only shook her head, "Don't." Dinah said sternly. "Have you talked to her since, you know- everything?" Lauren asked and Dinah only stared at her in disbelief, "No, none of us have Lauren, you know that." Dinah said and Lauren only sat there silently.

"None of us have, right?" Dinah asked uncertainly and Lauren only stared at her, "I lied to you guys." Lauren said quietly. "What?" Dinah asked in a confused tone, "I wasn't texting Taylor, over the past couple of days, I've been texting Camila." Lauren admitted silently and Dinah's eyes went wide.

A/n: oi cliff hanger

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