Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XXXI

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XXXI] ||


Kakashi stood in the stalls, next to some of the other Jounin and students who weren’t participating in the third round, watching Oriko’s fight.  He wasn’t entirely sure what possessed her to try a Goukakkyuu first, but with his counter of a high class Suuiton, he guessed that she thought he was a water element user and testing whether her assumption was correct or not. 

Her use of the kage bunshin as not only a diversion but as a trap as well was expert; what better way for her to trap her opponent than to force him to cast a high jutsu before he really knew what was happening… Kakashi guessed that she would be exhausted having used quite a range of jutsus in quick succession and she probably would be in no shape to fight again after this match…

It was risky for her to show off so much in one match but the skills displayed will more than likely promote her, sure was entertaining to the crowds too…he thought, as he could still her the murmurs of her match by the spectators around him,

“You have had one fine student to teach,” Gai’s voice interrupted his thought train,


“None of the Genin so far have even been close to the level she’s working on,” He continued, as he leaned over the edge of the railing, seeing that Sakura and her opponent had just begun to fight; Kakashi found himself curious to see how much Sakura too had developed since the last set of Chuunin exams. 

He felt quite confident that Tsunade’s guidance was far better suited to Sakura and would see her through the finals of this test without much trouble.

“Kakashi-sensei!” The young voice of Asano suddenly alerted his attention, turning he saw the young Genin running towards him, “Oriko collapsed in the hall!”

“What?” Kakashi leapt immediately up the small set of steps, closely followed by Asano, as he led them back to the corridor where Oriko way laying;

“Hmm…its seems she’s just collapsed from exhaustion, she should regain consciousness in a little while,” Kakashi explained, feeling a little more relieved seeing that nothing was seriously wrong; he slipped his hands underneath her shoulders and knees and lifted her weight off the ground.

“Well it wasn’t a very classy win to end up like this…” Asano responded, feeling a little embarrassed,

“Haha, were you worried for your team mate?” Asano folded his arms and began walking away, but Kakashi’s longer stride easily caught him up, “Well, whilst it’s true that her method left her vulnerable, as a Chuunin, she would have team mates to back her up, so it’s not quite as bad as it seems,” Kakashi clutched her a little tighter as he prepared to leap up the stairs,

“Why are you in such a hurry?”

“Don’t you want to watch the match?” Asano grinned in a very Naruto-like fashion as they both leapt up the first flight of stairs before the Genin took a left turn back to where he was to observe and the Jounin continued further up, reaching the spectators’ seats in no time. 

He found a spare seat for Oriko to sit in while she regained consciousness, Kakashi watched the last of Sakura’s fight and much to his pleasant surprise she won.


Oriko could just about feel her body again, she could feel how heavy her arms and legs were, before she could even open her eyes, a yawn escaped her,

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