Chapter 5 ~ Sleep

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I wake up on the hotel couch on the opposite end of Dan and (Y/N). I take a picture of them tangled and asleep in each other's arms. Then post it on Twitter with the caption "OTP".

Dan's going to kill me.

I look at the sleeping (Y/N). For a second I wish that was me with her but the thought quickly passes as my phone begins to explode with. "OTP!" and "SHIP!". I chuckle to myself and set up a round of Mario Kart so I have something to do until they wake up.


I opened my eyes to find (Y/N) and I cuddled up against each other. I smile. "Morning Romeo" Phil chuckles. I feel my pale face turn red. I check my phone to see a text from Sean.

Sean: "So are you and (Y/N) official?"

Dan: "What do you mean?"

Sean:"Have you not seen Phil's tweet?"

I go onto Phil's Twitter really confused to see a picture of (Y/N) snuggling together. I want to punch him but I don't want to wake up (Y/N).

"PHIL!" I hiss.

"Yeah Dan?"

"Get over here so I can punch you."

"What? Why"

I flip the phone around the phone and show his tweet. Then he starts laughing. Really loud. Loud enough to wake up (Y/N). D*** it. She looks kind of embarrassed as we start untangling from each other.

"Mornin guys" she murmurs with a sleepy smile. She wipes the sleep from her eyes. She is so cute. She checks her phone.

"Why do I have so many messages?" she mumbles. Oh no. "PHILLLLLLLLL!" she whines and throws a pillow at him. He laughs and tries to hit her back but hits me instead. This means war. (Y/N) and I start to beat Phil with pillows until Phil surrenders and makes peace by paying for room service.

We eat pancakes and (Y/N) and I keep making eye contact. We then excuse ourselves to go get ready for our last day at Vidcon. "You can swing by in an hour and we can ride in a limo together" I say as Phil and I leave. 

"Sure thing" she says and she waves goodbye.

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