Chapter 89

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Gideon gives me a slow nod, his handsome, rugged features sharp and chiseled and his hair a thick, medium brown. He squints his hazel-green eyes as if sizing me up or maybe he just figured out how nervous I actually am. Every single person here is male and every one of them are double my size and look like they're hungry for war.

"Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to meet you," Gideon finally says, propping his elbows on the table like he's looking forward to hearing what Dominic has to say.

Dominic shifts in his seat and I look over at him, "I have gathered you all here because we have a potential situation that can and will become volatile of we do not act quickly." He pauses and glances at me before continuing, "The Queen's close friend, Skylar Bennett, is being targeted by several Earth Demons," he stops and takes a breath, "The details as to why are not important, he needs our immediate protection before they succeed in taking him," he stops again because low mumbling instantly breaks out amongst the other men.

"Yes," Dominic interrupts and the room goes quiet as they all look up, "I will need each and every one of you to help," he looks around the table, specifically to the men in brown cloaks, "Fighters, Gideon has been assigned as lead Warrior and he and I will rely on your ability to close in on the Guard Demons surrounding Skylar Bennett's house. You have my permission to do what is necessary, including, stopping any attempt of a kidnapping," he pauses, taking a drink of the red wine from the glass in front of him,  "In addition, you will brief him on any crucial information before the Warriors attack and vanquish the Earth Demons for good."


Instantly, I begin mentally counting the men in black cloaks and there are six, which also means there are only six Warriors. Out of nowhere, the familiar prickly needles are back, poking at my gut because all the rest of the men are in brown. Dominic must have picked up on my anxiety because he turns to me and whispers, "This is what I have trained for all my life—it is what we have all trained for." His eyes have a certain glow about them—like he can't wait to fight and I close my eyes. The last thing I want is for him to go into some kind of battle...hell, I don't want anyone to for that matter. 

"Can the Fighters do what you can do?" I whisper back, hoping for good news.

"No, but they can even the battleground for us no matter how many Earth Demons show up."


"Wait, are you saying they can't kill? 

"Yes, they can," he stops and takes my hand, "But only the Guard Demons. That is why it is imperative to have as many Warriors prepared as possible."

My eyes go wide, "There are only six at this table!" I whisper-shout, trying not to draw attention as the servers start bringing in the first course of our meal. 

"If need be, we can summon more, but we will have to get permission from the Council." he says, taking another drink of wine.

"Wait," I tilt my head, "Under what circumstance would there be a need for more Warriors?" I ask, barely getting the words out because I'm starting to feel nauseated.

Dominic's lips tighten as if he doesn't want to tell me the answer and he looks around the table before whispering, "If they kill too many..." he pauses for a second,  "Or all the Warriors."

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