Heavy Tanks

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Heavy tanks are the backbone of the team. Not many are very agile as the others but they are thick armored and usually have extremely powerful guns. They are the vehicles meant to take hits for the team and lead the charge into battle.

Heavy Tank Battle Techniques

1 never expose the rear of a heavy, its the main weakpoint.

2 positional combal: take a position with cover rather then rushing through and flanking

3 protect artillery or the base from mediums and lights

4 support attacks with allies

Heavy tank attack skills

1 beatdown. Best for very armored and heavy tanks. In a close face to face fight with another heavy, not only shoot the enemy but ram him continuously

2 medium stop. Enemy medium giving some trouble? Take him head on and fire at him and give him a brutal ram.

3 sidehugging hostile big guns. Get on the side of a TD or SPG and don't let him face you

4 double deaths. See two enemies with low hp? Ram the one that has more damage while shooting the other one.

Heavy tanks may not have as many skills as the other tanks but used well they are very brutal in combat

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