Chapter 27- Royal Rumble pt. 2

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"Oh my God, Violin! That was amazing! Look at you, you're the Diva's Champion! I'm so freakin' proud!"

"Viola, i'm so proud of you! And you didn't even have to hit her with a spear! You did it all on your own!"

"Oh, Vi! I should be so upset about losing my title, but honestly...I'm so happy you beat me! You deserve this so much! And hey, i've had my time as the longest reigning Diva's Champion, now...It's your turn!"

"Man, when you got Aj with that nasty Rose Petal...I knew it was over."

"Yeah, those things hurt like a bitch!"

"I feel like I should've been more worried about you tapping out to that Black Widow, but you're Violet freakin' Rose so I knew there was NO way she would."

"No, I didn't raise Violin over here to be a quitter!"

"You didn't raise her at all?"

"Shut it, Aj...Let me have my moment."

I could barely even hear myself think with how excited Roman, Seth and Aj were...I felt as if they were more excited than I was...They weren't, but it almost seemed that way.

During this whole shouting contest for who was apparently the most happy for me, I noticed that Dean was unusually quiet. I mean, he came out in front of the entire WWE Universe and made out with me literally five minutes ago, and now he wasn't even looking at me.

I glanced over at him, and found him looking thoughtfully at the ground. I wanted to ask him what was up, but before I got the chance, his head snapped up and he looked over at Seth, Aj and Roman.

"All i'm saying is that no one is more proud of her than-" Dean interrupted Seth, before stopping abruptly.

"As much as i'd like to shout to the world how happy I am for Violet, I actually need to talk to her for a second," I cocked my head to the side and looked at him, what did he need to talk to me about? I watched as Roman, Seth and Aj...Didn't get the picture...As per usual...And had to stifle a laugh. They stood staring at Dean, blinking, causing Dean to groan. "Alone."

"Oh! Right. My bad, man." Roman laughed. "Well, we'll be in catering then...Gotta fatten up before our big match. Aj, Seth...You guys coming?"

"Come on, Ro...You know I can never turn down a stop at catering! Come on, Aj."

"Actually, I think i'm gonna go find Phil and chill with him until the Rumble...But, i'll see you guys later." Aj then skipped over to me, and engulfed me in a huge hug. "I'll find you before the Rumble, Vi Fi, love you!" She then skipped away from me, down the hall, and around the corner...It made my heart happy knowing she was about to be with the love of her life in a few short moments...She's been sorta miserable without him.

I glanced over at Roman, and saw him glancing down at the ground, a look of defeat on his face. Man, I really needed to figure out what the hell was going on with him. Dean cleared his throat, and shot a look over at Seth and Roman. Right...He needed to talk to me...Gulp.

I suddenly felt beyond anxious...What could he possibly need to talk to me about that Seth and Roman couldn't be around to hear? Was he going to tell me he didn't want to do...Whatever it was that we were doing together? What if he was just going to go back to hating me? What if everything he ever said about me being different...Was a lie?

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