Accidental Confession (Alphonse x Shy! Reader)

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(A/N- Wow it’s been a really long time since I’ve written a one-shot from Al’s point of view.

Ed and I were upstairs in the bedroom we shared whenever we came to Winry’s house. We were visiting our hometown again, as brother had broken his automail once more. It’s not much of a surprise when it happens anymore.
Sometimes I think he does it just so he can see Winry again, no matter how much the two of them argue.
I mean, I’m not really complaining about it. Visits to Resembool mean that we can see the people we’ve known since we were kids, the people who always greeted us with a smile and a friendly hello whenever we returned from our search for the philosopher’s stone. But there was one whose smile I’m particularly fond of.
To be honest, she was always quite shy around Winry, brother, and I when we were little, despite the fact I had a bit of a crush on her back then. She is still shy with the two of them, but she happened to be passing by when brother was going through all the physical therapy for his automail. I had been sitting out by myself in the rain, and she had been passing by under a blue umbrella, walking home. I don’t know what it was, but something about a lone suit of armor out in the rain made her stop in front of me. She looked down at me, but I didn’t meet her gaze at first. I recognized her, but I felt guilty. If I met her eyes, if I looked up, I felt as though she would know what I had done. What we had done, Ed and I.
“Hey, are you alright?” Her voice was soft, cautious.
I looked further down at the ground, avoiding eye contact.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” my voice echoed. It held a subtle hint of sadness that most people would miss.
“Alphonse?” She gasped. She stepped forward and crouched down so that I had to make eye contact with her.
I let out a shaky breath.
“H-hey (Y/n).”
She didn’t say anything, only raised her umbrella up a bit, positioning it over the two of us and taking a seat next to me.
(Y/n) wasn’t shy because she was scared of people. She was quiet, observant. She picked up on the little signs that something wasn’t right. She sat in silence.
She was patient, she knew I would talk eventually.
I told her everything, it all came out before I could stop it. The human transmutation, brother’s surgery and automail, what it felt like to be stuck in, no, trapped in this armor.
After it all spilled out, we sat in silence for a while longer. We could hear the rain pattering on the umbrella over our heads, its handle resting on the ground next to us. (Y/n) was hugging her legs to her chest, looking down. She was choosing her words carefully.
“That sounds, really difficult,” she said at last.
I didn’t reply.
“I, can’t imagine what it must be like for you. To not be able to feel anymore, or sleep. To be honest, it sounds terrifying. I won’t be able to fully understand what you’re going through, but, if there’s anything I can do, you know where I live. I’d be open to talk,” she said, looking over at me.
I sighed sorrowfully. She noticed.
“Alphonse, you’re armor now, yes, and you can’t feel anything, yes. But your soul is still human, and you’re still my friend,” she stood up, raindrops falling from the umbrella as it shook. She turned back around and offered me a hand. “I won’t sit by and watch a friend suffer if there’s something I can do about it.”
I stared up at her for a moment, taking in her words. From where I sat, the light from the gray sky seemed to form a halo of soft luminescence around her. If I had a body, I would have felt as though butterflies had been fluttering in my stomach at that moment. She looked beautiful to me, and something about her offer to help, to just be there for me, it was comforting.
I took her up on the offer on many occasions as time went on. We grew close, and I soon found my thoughts drifting to her when we were apart, traveling in search of the stone. Some nights, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.
Which brings me to the present. (Y/n) was downstairs at the moment, talking with Winry and Granny while she was visiting us here. I needed to ask Ed about something, so I had calmly asked to see him in private for some brotherly advice.
I wanted to tell (Y/n) how I felt, it was just a matter of how.
I mean, I’m still in this armor, I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t share my feelings. But, I still needed to tell her.
“Hey brother, can I ask you about something?”
“You did ask me to come up here for just that, didn’t you?” Brother teased.
I laughed nervously.
“S-sorry, I’m just a little anxious. I-I, um, I want to tell (Y/n) how I feel about her,” I stuttered.
“Finally working up the courage to tell her you love her?” He asked.
“Y-Yeah, it’s just the matter of how to tell her that I’m not so sure about,” I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, despite not being able to feel it.
“You should just go up and tell her how you feel. Or, if you really want to woo her, you could do something bold and daring for her, just go in and sweep her off her feet. It’s bound to work!”
I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic, or if he actually thought that was a good idea. I held up my hands in denial.
“No no no, (Y/n) wouldn’t like some big and over the top way of confessing, especially one that draws a bunch of attention from others when it’s meant to be just the two of us. She’d probably like something more subtle. But I can’t just go up to her and be like, ‘Oh, hey (Y/n). I’ve had an enormous crush on you since we were little, but I’ve been too scared to tell you because I am literally a giant metal suit of armor that can’t physically feel anything, and you’re a perfect, beautiful, kind girl who seems completely comfortable with who you are. Wanna be my girlfriend?’”
When I looked back at brother, he was staring at the door behind me instead.
I started turning to see what he was staring at.
“Ed, what are you-”
I froze.
(Y/n) stood just outside the doorway, (e/c) eyes wide and (s/c) face a bright red. She said nothing, just held eye contact with me for a moment. Without saying a word, she turned and started going back downstairs.
I started panicking.
“A-ah! (Y/n), wait!” I ran after her.
I caught up to her at the end of the hall, grabbing her hand. Her eyes met mine again, and the red on her face grew darker. Processing what was going on, my helmet grew to a similar pink color. Neither of us moved for a moment.
“D-do you, w-want to take this somewhere m-more private?” She asked.
My gray helmet grew even more red, a clinking sound echoing as I nodded slightly.
She began leading me downstairs, still holding onto my hand. I continued to have a sense of panic rising in me, as she had not given me a yes or no answer to whether or not she returned my feelings.
When we passed Winry and Pinako downstairs, they each stared for a moment, then smiled and went back to what they were doing. They must have guessed what was happening.
(Y/n) led us outside, onto the porch. At the edge of the step, she paused, looking at me. Her face was still a bright pink. She looked back down when our eyes met, taking the step and slowly sitting so that I could follow her lead. We let go of each other’s hands, sitting there on the steps without a single word being spoken between us, looking out over the fields.
The wind ruffled the grass, and I could hear it whistle by as it blew (Y/n)’s hair. She shivered, and I felt the panic in me rise with the reminder of my inability to feel. This had been a mistake, I shouldn’t have asked brother about this. I should have just let her go, why would someone as amazing as her want to be with someone like me anyways?
(Y/n) turned to look at me, meeting my eyes now. I glanced down, scared of the oncoming disappointment of her not sharing my feelings.
“I-I, th-thought that there might have been a chance that you liked me already, so this isn’t a total surprise to me,” she started.
My fear grew. That wasn’t a yes.
“I-I didn’t want to just assume, s-so I didn’t say anything about it before. If that was how you felt about me, I wanted you to be able to be the one to tell me, I didn’t want to make assumptions and then be disappointed. B-but,” she sighed.
My heart sank.
“It must have been hard to build up enough courage to tell me, especially given your current condition,” she took a deep breath.
I was ready for her rejection.
“I probably should have told you I loved you earlier, it would have saved you a lot of worrying,” she laughs.
The glowing eyes in my helmet widened. I looked to see her smiling up at me.
“You’re really nice, Alphonse. I know you probably don’t think it’s normal for someone to fall in love with you as you are, but honestly that’s how it feels for everyone, everyone worries about it. Even those who look like they have a lot of confidence, when honestly, they don’t know for sure if someone will love them in that way,” she looks back out at the field.
She felt the same way, I could hardly believe it.
“But appearances aren’t what you fall in love with someone for. You fall in love with them because you love who they are as a person. I, I love you just the way you are. You’re kind and caring, smart, you care so much about the people close to you. You would do almost anything for them. You don’t realize how rare that is. Anyone who can have the privilege of calling themselves your friend, or family, or,” she looks down at her hands, ”g-girlfriend, should feel really honored. I really love spending time with you. The times when you act vulnerable around me, when I really see what’s happening inside you, I feel really special knowing you trust me enough to talk to me about it. A-and, I don’t mind the fact that you’re a suit of armor right now. Like, I actually really like how big your hands are, a-and sometimes my mind will just start wandering and I’ll find myself wondering what it would feel like to hold that hand, o-or hold you close to me, o-or,” she meets my eyes, face a deep pink again. She looks down again, “S-sometimes, I even wonder what it would be like to kiss your helmet.”
Gently, I reached out and took her hand. Since I had become like this, I had always been scared of breaking things, so I often wouldn’t hold them. I didn’t know my strength most of the time, but on this occasion I felt like I had control.
She met my eyes again, saying nothing as her blush further increased.
“Th-there, now you know what it feels like.”
Neither of us moved. I wished I could feel her holding my hand. I wanted it so desperately, but it was impossible for the moment. Even so, it was wonderful to see (Y/n) looking so lovingly at me.
I loved her so much.
She stood up, still holding onto my hand, and stepped onto the step in front of me. I wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, but I went along with it. She let go of my hand, placing her hands instead on my shoulders. I realized what was about to happen, and felt my blush darken. She crouched down slightly, leaning into me. My arms subconsciously went around her waist.
Softly, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips onto my helmet, along the line indicating where my mouth would be if I had had a body. My hold on her tightened slightly.
I wanted to feel this. I couldn’t, but even so, I tilted my head slightly to try and deepen the kiss as best I could. Even if I couldn’t feel it, I still wanted to make it nice for her.
We stayed like that for a long time. I don’t know how long it was, but it was nice. I couldn’t feel the kiss, but knowing (Y/n) had wanted to do this, that she was near me and wanted to stay by my side…
I loved her.
When she pulled back, (Y/n) opened her eyes slowly, blush still prominent on her face.
“Th-that was really nice,” she said quietly.
“Y-yeah. I couldn’t feel it, but I still enjoyed the action, especially since you were the one doing it,” I replied.
She smiled at me.
“I just want to get my body back even more now, honestly. I want to be able to hold you in my arms, to kiss you, to really hold your hand, and not have to worry if I’m accidentally holding on too tightly. I want to be able to show you how much I’m in love with you,” I held her a little tighter.
“I love you, too, and when you get your body back, you can get all the smooches you want. Even before you get your body back, you can get all the smooches you want. Even if you never end up getting your body back, I’ll still love you,” she closed her eyes and leaned further into me.
“I love you, too, (Y/n). I’ll do my best, but knowing that you love me no matter what,” I brushed a strand of her (h/c) hair out of her face, “It’s reassuring to hear.”
(Y/n) nestled her head between my helmet and shoulder spike, closing her eyes in an expression of total comfort. She felt safe, and I felt content that she had so much trust in my protection.
Even without a body, here, in this moment, I’m happy.

(A/N- Hey everybody. I'm in New York City right now, but I had this typed up and I proof read it last night and thought I should probably just update this book. That all really.
Also, there's likely going to be an update next Saturday, but it will be a really busy day for me, so if I forget then I'll probably put it up Sunday instead. Bye everyone!



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