Chapter 28

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New York City, USA

Spring 2015

It really was a great party from what Nadine could judge. The Tower was filled with music and the sounds of dozens people laughing and chatting and having an all-around good time. Everywhere she looked, Nadine could spot the Avengers, each visibly enjoying themselves, smiles on their faces, body language loose and relaxed. It was a chance to unwind, and they were taking full advantage of it with their friends.

Naturally, Nadine took in all of it, senses alert and mind as observant and assessing as always. From where she stood on one of the mid-level decks of the Tower's common area, she could easily see Natasha helping herself behind the bar as Bruce approached, looking somewhat uncomfortable and almost a little lost. Thor was regaling a group of older men—veterans judging by their caps—with one of his adventures. Hawkeye was chatting with Dr. Cho while Tony wandered in his role of consummate host, flitting around the Tower with a broad grin and snappy quips aplenty, though she couldn't help but note he was looking distracted and faintly concerned. Steve she noticed chatting with a friend of his—Sam, if Nadine remembered correctly—before they parted with what looked like farewell, leaving Steve to make his way back down from the far side of the level she was on to the level where the couches and the main bar—where Natasha and Bruce were still talking somewhat intently—were located.

And as the Avengers mingled and enjoyed themselves, she stood at the railing, mercifully alone.

Nadine fought back the urge to fluff or fiddle with her hair...again. She wasn't used to the loose curls. Wasn't used to anything but neat buns or functional ponytails, really.

More than that, it felt inappropriate. Her stomach ached at the thought; Nina was still out there, somewhere. Nadine should be out looking for her. Not attending an Avenger's celebration party. They might have reason to celebrate—Strucker's Alien Sceptre had been retrieved after a long search, Strucker was locked up, HYDRA had been dealt a crushing blow; they were good reasons—but Nadine didn't.

Nadine's mission had failed. She had no reason to celebrate.

She didn't deserve to celebrate.

She flicked back a stray curl, feeling unaccountably frustrated at the pale lock for brushing against her cheekbone. No, that was wrong. She wasn't unaccountably frustrated. She knew exactly what was bothering her. She was taking out her helpless frustration on the poor curl. It felt silly to be all made up, her hair neatly done and wearing the sleek forest-green dress Natasha had picked out for her. It felt silly to be attending a party when she had no reason to celebrate and very much wasn't in the mood for enjoying.

But Natasha had insisted, a peculiar, even eager look on her face as she had fussed over Nadine's appearance for the party. Truthfully, Nadine wasn't sure she'd ever been to a party quite like this. Not one where she wasn't working in some capacity; a couple Galas to support a former student or two; some business-oriented events for the Studio; one less-than-memorable event when she'd been after a mark. But none that were purely intended for, well, fun.

Holding back a sigh, she straightened from where she'd been leaning her forearms on the railing, looking past the cheerful party-goers out to the city-scape beyond. It was beautiful, but she couldn't shake the feeling of anxious helplessness as she looked out at the myriad colourful lights speckling the New York vista.

She should be doing something. Something useful!

Something that would help her find her little girl.

"You don't want to be here at all, do you?" Nadine turned to see Steve holding out a dark bottle to her, a surprising look of understanding on his face. She smiled wanly as she reached out to accept the drink.

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