Our Future chapter 11

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--Betty's POV--
I sat on my bed doing my French homework, I understood almost everything the sheet was saying but there was some things I didn't get.
I put my pencil down to the paper to write the translation for 'je t'aime' it meant I love you, I knew that because I would say it to Jughead sometimes, he never understood what it meant because he doesn't take French so he had to use google translate, which I found hilarious. I looked down at the next question but before I could even write it down my mom came into my room.
"Pack your things we're moving"
"WHAT, mom we can't move, my friends are here, Polly's near us, can you just tell me why"
"Because, Betty this town is dangerous, now pack your things".
--Time skip--
At this point I've packed almost six boxes worth of little nick nacks and books. I hear a quiet tapping on my window. I go to open it and Jughead crawls in.
"Betty what's going on", he says a worried expression on his face I start to tear up.
"My mom says we're moving Juggie" my almost full crying cuts me off from talking anymore. He hugs me, and I can tell he's crying because I felt a tear drop fall on my head.
--30 minute time skip--
We lay on my bed, his arm around me, neither of us have said a word in a while.
"Stay here, don't move" Jughead says as he looks over at me.
"Juggie you know I can't,"
"Just think about it Betty, we could buy a house in the country, where your parents can't find us. Betty, I want to have a future with you"
I smile "I know we've only been together for a little over a week, but I love you Juggie, and I want to have a future with you too. But my parents, my mom especially". I put my hands on my face, I'm so stressed. Jughead removed my hand from my face and kisssd me softly.
"We can do this Betty, okay here's the plan".

I grabbed my suit case, which had old clothes Veronica didn't want in it. I dragged the suit case along the long narrow hallway to board the plane, my parents in front of me. My stomach exploded with butterflies, I was so nervous. I stepped onto the planes floor and the flight attendant pointed us to our seats, we we're flying economy. It didn't matter though, I wasn't going to be riding the plane.
I put my suit case above us in the compartment thing, "hey mom, I'll be right back I need to use the bathroom."
"Betty I told you to use it when we we're in the bathroom."
"Sorry". I walked away thinking of how that could have gone better, I'm such a bad I liar I thought. I walked to the entrance of the plane, where the flight attendant was closing the door.
"You have to let me out, please"
"I'm sorry ma'am I cant do that, please make your way to your seat we'll be talking off soon"
"no no no you don't understand I have to get off this plane"
"Ma'am I'm sorry I can't let you off"
"Oh really" I showed her two $100 bills I stole from my moms purse. "It's all yours if you let me off" Her face tightened up "you mustn't tell anybody" she said "don't worry I won't, oh and that blonde lady and the guy going bald sitting beside her, if they ask where I am, tell them you haven't seen me". She nodded in agreement and opened the door for me. I walked down the narrow hallway, I saw Jughead sitting in a chair, he looked nervous as well. I walked up and hugged him.
"Betty, I thought you had decided to stay on the plane, it was almost going to leave. I was so worried"
"I would never stay with them instead of you" I said still embracing him.
We got a booth at pops and sat down,
"Juggie, before in my room you said you wanted a future with me. What do you see in that future" I ask smiling.
"Well a big dog, that big country house I was talking about with a white picket fence, maybe a- well ya that's about it"
"Nooooo, you were going to say something else" I teased him, he laughed.
"Umm maybe a swing set that our children could play on"
"Wow Mr.Jones I didn't think you were into that picket fence life" we laugh and he kisses my cheek.

In the end all that mattered is that all days, were days with him

A few years after high school,
I picked up a box from the moving truck and walked inside our big country house J was lighting a fire, the heat wasn't working and snow was fluttering out side so until we could get the heat fixed his is what we had, I didn't mind though, having a fire meant snuggling up with my fiancé late at night.
I didn't want to go off somewhere for college, and leave Jughead, so I'm starting online school, so I can still get my medical degree with out leaving. Of course I will have to take some classes at community college to get my training in. Jughead had a job at Pop's, but he quit to get a real job, he's now a mechanic and works five days a week.
I haven't heard from my parents since I left them a few years ago in that plane, I feel as if they accepted their fate.
Polly was living in our old house raising her twin boys, Jason and Dean. Archie and Veronica moved to the city, Archie continued his career in music and Veronica and Cheryl work alongside each other as fashion designers, almost the biggest in the country. We still kept in touch, Veronica was always giving me deals on these clothes that I honestly never really like, Archie and Veronica got married in September, it was the most beautiful wedding, cold but beautiful. Jughead and I are getting married in April, we both wanted a spring wedding.
So we're all happy, in a way almost too happy.

Well that was this story, I know the ending was cheesy, but I'm thinking of writing a sequel to this story that'll have some drama in it so stay tuned!!💙✌️

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