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Thomas POV

"Okay guys. I know that me and Alexander have had a rough while and can never even hold a relationship. But I want to propose." I tell the people around me.

"Duuude! You two are so cute together!" Peggy squeals.

"That doesn't sound healthy..." Vanessa quietly adds.

"Okay! We know exactly what the man likes sooo let's do this!" Eliza exclaims pulling her hair into a messy bun. Laf and Herc begin telling about how they got engaged while Pegg, Eliza, and Angelica make lists of what Alexander loves most. Vanessa and Maria suggest random things that sound nice.

"Okay, so a plain-ish ring. He loves emeralds. He likes Italian cuisine, but Caribbean food is welcome. He likes long walks late at night. And-" I say.

"He's getting home right now!" Maria shouts from her post at the window. We hide all of the plans. I hear him unlock the door and make everyone go into a natural looking state.

"Oh, hey guys. Hello Thomas." He says pecking me on the cheek. Heavy bags under his eyes give away his lack of sleep.

"How was work?" I ask.

"Ughhhh." He groans and wanders towards the stairs. "I'm gonna take a shower. Don't wait up!" He smiles and slips up the stairs.

"We'll leave you two alone. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Peggy says and they file out the door.

"Coming babe!" I call when they are gone.

"So you need help with your history homework?" Alex asks with a smirk, running his fingers through his dripping wet hair.

"Baaabe. Pleeeaaase!" I groan.

"Fine. But you owe me, Jefferson." He says playfully shoving me. He walks me through the history homework while sipping a cup of tea. I smile at him and kiss him when we finish. He gets a text and his face drops. He runs off.

"I'm needed at the office. Love you. Good night." Alex says and races out the door. I let out a loud sigh.

"Bye." I say quietly. With another sigh I go to bed.

"Goodbye, love." I sigh as I stand above a grave. The name reads 'Alexander Hamilton.' Tears roll down my cheeks. "I didn't even get to say goodbye." I add before the scene changes.

I stand in Alexander's apartment.

"I have to move. To Virginia. I was chosen for delegate." He says.

"What? No! I still need you Alex!" I cry. He grabs the bags by his feet and walks out the door.

"I will always find you, my love." He sighs.

"No! You don't just get to leave! I love you! I-i was going to propose!"I wail.

"Thomas, it was a pipe dream. I'm sorry." Alex growls.

"Are you saying this was all an act? To play with my emotions?" I scream.

"Of course not! At least I didn't cheat on you!" Alex screeches in response.

"At least I'm not leaving you behind!" I retort.

"This is why we could never work out! I hate you, Thomas Jefferson!" Alex throws something at me. A box full of my sweatshirts and other things I gave him over the months. Then he pulls out a ring box.

"I was going to propose as well, but FUCK YOU!!!!" He shrieks throwing the box at me. It opens to reveal a beautiful purple sapphire ring with tiny diamonds around it. I look up and see him crying. "I'm leaving you." He growls and slams the door in my face.

I'm shaken awake.

"Babe? You were crying." Alex says softly. I shrink away from him. "Please tell me what's wrong." I shake my head.

"Just know I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too. Please tell me what's wrong." Alex kisses my forehead.

"Please never leave me." I whisper.

"Wh-why would I l-leave you?" Alex stammers.

"Just don't." I say.

"Okay. I promise."

Don't Forget That I Love You (Jamilton)(Republished) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now