Scenario #10

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Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

I sat the corner farthest away from the door. The only sound I could hear was the water dripping from the pipe.

That's all I've ever heard.

I shiver and watch as my breath evaporates into the air. I look towards my "bed". The dark spot on the pile of sheets would barely be noticeable to anyone from outside. To me, it was as clear as day.

My head snapped to the door and I wondered why until suddenly I heard them.

Click. Click. Click.

Step. Step. Step.

People. Many of them.

I scrambled across the wide space to my pile of sheets. I took the find one my hand touched and encased myself in it. I began to shake violently. I wanted to hide, to disappear, but there was nowhere for me to go. And that scared me to no ends.

Click. Click. Click.

Step. Step. Step.

They were close. My breath caught in my throat as I heard the sound of keys entering the lock. My body stilled as the sound of the squeaking door filled my usual silence.

I began the shake violently and my breaths became short and heavy as I could suddenly feel many eyes on me. The clicking sound had stopped, but the steps continued until they were right in front of me.

I didn't know how many were here, but I knew they could all see me as a light was shone on me. It made me feel slightly better, though, knowing I couldn't see them. I didn't know who they were, or what they wanted.

"Shy one isn't she?"

I flinched at the sound of a woman's sharp voice.

"Come on darling," his voice was rough and scary, "don't hide. Everyone has come far and wide to see you."

I whimpered as I felt his foot nudge mine.

"She's a scary little thing isn't she?"

This was the voice of a man. He held the voice of someone disgusting.

"This is stupid."

Suddenly the sheet was snatched from my form. I gasped in gasped in shock and suddenly it was very hard to breathe.

I brought my arm up to cover my eyes as the white light practically blinded me. I looked around to see three humans standing around me.

The clicking I heard must have come from the bright neon yellow heels the woman of the group was wearing. Her pitch black dress joining the pair. There was a man next to her, he had this disgusting look in his eyes that screamed "run" to anyone that looked in them. There was another man on her other side, his hands were stuffed in his pockets and the smile he showed was anything but nice.

What stood out was the man in front of me. In particular his eyes. One was vibrant green, while the other was pale purple. I knew he wasn't human, but before I could find out what he was, he suddenly snatched me off the ground by my hair.

Pain flared through my skull. It traveled down my spine to the very tip of my toes. I opened my mouth to scream out it blinding pain, but as usual, nothing could be heard but the chuckle of one of the people in my space.

I thrashed in the air and clawed at his hand but to no avail. Tears streamed down my face and I could do nothing but hang by my hair in pain as those haunting green and purple orbs bore into mine.

I tried my hardest to beg him to let me go, but no words came from my mouth. Only loud gasps of pain and terror.

My legs kicked nothing but air, and my hands seemed to not bother him as they clawed at his. Out of nowhere, I felt his fist connect with my stomach. I couldn't breathe. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and struggled to breathe all while he continued to hold me in the air painfully.

"Trying to figure out what I am huh?"

He grabbed my face and squeeze to a point I thought I would break, but before I could his forehead made hard contact with my face. I flew back into the far wall as he finally let me go. My nose was bleeding and I could feel bruises forming on both my cheeks. My stomach hurt so much I couldn't even curl into a ball to hide and somewhat protect myself.

I laid against the wall in a pile of nothing. I didn't bother trying to move away from the monster as he walked across my space towards me. I did nothing but stare as death itself walked towards me dressed in dark blue jeans and a blood red shirt with bare feet.

He grabbed my leg and confusion filtered into my mind only for second before it was filled with nothing but pain once again as he twisted my leg into a horrid form. If possible I would have screamed at the very top of my lungs, but I could do nothing but lay there and cry in silent pain.

I smiled in relief as I felt myself slowly falling into unconsciousness. My vision started to blur in and out along with my hearing. I didn't even feel pain as he carelessly threw me over his shoulder.

"I'll take it."

And then I was gone.


*917 words*

-XxxReadingFanaticxxX (•~•)

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