Harry x Reader ~ Voldemort's daughter

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Requested by: horcruxdana!

Your name is Dana Riddle. I know you wanted a different last name as well but I think it makes more sense if your last name is Riddle.  I hope that's okay!



You couldn't believe everyone knew. He promised to keep it a secret... did he really think anyone would still accept you?

'It isn't that bad.' Draco spoke. 

'You told everyone I'm the freaking daughter of Voldemort. I kept it a secret for a reason.' You scoffed. 'Why did you have to tell everyone? I trusted you.'

'Well, people were going to find out anyways.'

'You're a death eater and I didn't tell everyone.'

'Shut up Riddle.'

You sighed and pushed him aside. You walked out of the common room. Everywhere you walked students would back off in fear. They'd whisper things behind you. You tried to block the insults of.

At the other end of the corridor you saw someone. Harry Potter... your crush. This entire situation wasn't really helping.  He wouldn't talk to you and was just afraid that you'd kill him. You sighed and clenched your books against your chest.

You passed the Gryffindors and refused to look at them. Harry watched you leave and sighed.

'Harry... you have to accept it. You can't ask her to go on a date with you.' Hermione spoke.

'She's right mate. It'll be your death.' Ron sighed.

Harry sighed and watched you turn around a corner.

'Can't I ask her to Slughorns party? You know... as my date.'

'It's the same Harry. You don't want to interfere in her life. Voldemort will use it against you.' Hermione said.

'So what am I supposed to do? She probably thinks I hate her.'

Ron leaned against the wall next to him and crossed his arms.

'You should hate her. You should fear here.'

'Ron, it isn't that easy.' Harry said. 'Malfoy always had to ruin everything. I thought Dana was friends with him.'

'Nice friend.' Hermione scoffed.

It was quiet for a moment.

'Let's just go to potions.' Harry spoke.

You entered the potions classroom and decided to just stand in the back. Slughorn came in, followed by the Gryffindors and some other students. You watched Draco as he fooled around with his friends. You thought he was your friend...

Harry looked at you shortly. You looked away to Slughorn. He started explaining that today we would finally be making amortentia. You had some information about it before. You all got a chance to come a little closer.

The smell of the wood of a broom and the smell of chocolate frogs entered your nose. It reminded you of Harry. You walked passed it towards the cauldrons.

Harry stepped closer. He smiled Y/F/F (your favorite flower) which you grew at home. Also the smell of old books and Y/F/S (your favorite snack) were clearly there. Harry clearly recognized you in it. He walked towards the table besides you. Draco and his friends joined your table.

'Shove off.' You scoffed.

'Are you seriously angry at me?' Draco asked.

You looked at him and raised your brows.

'You ruined everything.'

'Well there are no other tables left so I'll just work here.' He smirked.

You sighed and started following the recipe. Trying to get the potions right. Draco, Vincent and Gregory weren't really taking it seriously. Before you knew it Draco pushed Vincent and he knocked over your ingredients.

'Seriously?! Can't you guys be normal for a second!'

Your ingredients were spread across the floor. You sighed and moved your hand through your hair.

'Malfoy... I hate you so much.'

'What did I do? Vincent was the on-'

'And who pushed him?!'

Harry watched the scene and looked at his ingredients.

'No Harry. It isn't good for you.' Hermione spoke.

But Harry didn't listen. He grabbed a few of his ingredients. You crouched down to the floor and tried to save some of yours. You immediatly got up when Harry arrived. You looked at him and stepped back a bit.

'Here.' He just said and he opened his hand.

'They're yours. You have to use them...'

'I have to much anyways.' He smiled. 

You grabbed the ingredients.

'Thank you.'

Everyone looked at you and Harry.

'No problem.' Harry spoke and he walked back to his table. 

You smiled slightly as you used Harry's ingredients. Harry Potter just helped Dana Riddle... this just happened.

When you were done you walked back to the table of Harry. Hermione and Ron stared at you.

'Thanks again Potter.' You smiled.

You didn't know whether on not you could say Harry or not. You walked back to your table.

'Alright! That's it for this lesson.' Slughorn spoke. 

You gather your stuff and walked out of the classroom. Harry couldn't wait anymore. He didn't have a date for the party and he wanted to take you. He didn't care that you were Voldemort's daughter. He didn't care you probably wanted to kill him.

'Dana! Wait!'

You turned around and saw Harry. Dana? He called you Dana...

'Yes? Did I forget to give you something back?' You asked.

'No... I wanted to ask you something.'

Students started gathering around the two of you. You looked around and stepped back a bit. You clenched your books closer to your chest. Harry saw that you felt uneasy. He didn't really know what to do. You walked towards him, grabbed his arm and then apparated away, towards the forest. There was no-one there.

'Thanks.' Harry smiled.

'No problem... what's up?' You asked with a small smile.

'Well... I just wanted you to know that, I don't hate you. My friends do. I don't, why would I suddenly think differently of you because your father wants to kill me?'

You let out a small grin.

'It's fine Harry-'

'No it's not. That's why I wanted to ask you... there is this party. A Christmas party. Slughorn is arranging it. Would you... do you want to go with me? As my date?'

You looked at Harry. Was he asking you out? He was... wasn't he? You smiled.

'I'd love too.'

Harry looked at you in surprise.


You laughed and nodded.

'A-alright. That's great! I'll see you then.'

Harry Potter Characters X Reader | Book 1 (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now