What Happened to You

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My hands were shaky and my stomach did flips as I my eyes flitted across the classroom. Two minutes and fifty four seconds until the bell rings and Heller still wasn't here. Dylan was, though, unfortunately.

"Wow, Dylan! You're so brave! Most guys would never stand up to another guy like you did!" Practically every girl was drooling over him.

Dylan revelled in it, "yeah, I try."

Slowly, limping, a dark figure walked in. All business halted as attention was painstakingly placed on Heller. He sat carefully in his desk, wincing lightly. Dylan glared at him.

"Heller..." I reached out to him, and he retracted so fast, if I blinked I would have missed it. He practically hissed in my direction and I felt my heart become heavier for some unjustifiable reason. I turned around slowly, and class continued solemnly.

About 30 minutes in and between the lecture of dopamine and serotonin, a rough finger swept my hair to the side of my neck and trailed mindless patterns on my skin.

I shivered under his touch and my eyes fluttered closed, but I didn't move, afraid my movement would cause his withdrawal again. I tried to focus, but it was impossible.

Twenty minutes late the bell rang and I nearly jumped out of my seat. I tried to rush out of the classroom, embarrassed by his rejection earlier. But as soon as I stepped outside the door, large, rough hands picked me up and carried me away. I tried to scream, but a hand muffled my cries. The last thing I saw before I rounded the corner was Dylan flirting with a tan blonde.

I was set down gently in the "ghost hallway", a hallway abandoned to the school. My fist flew to my attacker but it was caught and slammed against the walls, pinning me with his body.

"Calm down," he hissed, and I looked up to see a fiery blue and icy grey eye. My body relaxed, but my anger flared.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" I prepared to rant, "I told you to stay in the nurse's office, and you just left! Then you act like-"

I was cut off by a kiss. It made my heart race and my stomach feel funny. It was passionate and needy and intense.

His hands pulled my legs up so that he held me up between the wall as I straddled him. I blushed insanely at the position and squirmed to get down. He moved his lips down to my neck, and I bit my lip to keep in a moan.


I pushed him away, and while it wasn't enough to actually move him, it took him by surprise. I took advantage and hopped down, punching his chest. "What is wrong with you?!" He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down, his hoodie creating a shadow over his face. I scoffed. "Whatever."

I tried to storm off, but he grabbed my waist and pressed me to him. I pushed him away, well, tried to.

"I'll answer your questions. Just... Come with me."

I stopped. "What?"

"Please." His voice was low and pleading and husky and vulnerable. It broke my heart and all I wanted was to go with him.


"What," he withdrew, shocked. "Why?!" he was angry now.

I looked down. "I-I have plans."

He practically growled. "With who?" His words were dangerous and promising punishment.

I glared at him. "None of your business."

He punched the wall next to my head, and I winced. He wrapped his hands around me and slammed me to him, breathing heavy. "You're coming with me."

"No, I'm no-"

He threw me over his shoulder and kicked him as he walked out of the school. We approached a black motorcycle and he set me down.

"Haha no. I'm not getting on that."

"Haha yes you are." He grabbed a black helmet from seemingly no where and tugged it on my head. He picked me up and placed me on the back of the bike, then stepped on himself. "Hold on."


"Fine, die then."

He revved the engine slightly and I clung to him desperately. I could sense his smirk.

He pulled out of the parking lot at a decent speed, which I knew was for me. My body was so tense it was like a workout. When we pulled up to a stoplight, he rubbed my hand softly. My body relaxed slightly until the light turned green, and he continued driving.

The nightmare finally came to an end when we pulled up to an abandoned house in the ghetto side of town. He parked the motorcycle in the driveway, and I stepped off on jello legs.

He tugged the helmet off my head and laughed at my expression. I think I was about to pass out. He picked me up bridal-style. "Let's get you inside," he said as I clung to him.

"I'm dying," I moaned, and he chuckled. He carried us inside and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is this place?"

His smile fell when he answered, "my home."

The boarded-up windows let cracks of sunlight in, and the walls were just boards of wood. The floor was just concrete, with pools of water from where the rain collected and couldn't evaporate. There was a mattress with no pillows, sheets or blankets in the corner of the main room, and a sofa with a desk in front of it. All of the furniture was dingy and stained, like he got it from the dump.

He put me down gently, then hurried to the couch. He smoothed it out and brushed off some dirt and fluffed the pillows before he led me over there. His eyes wouldn't meet mine, and his face was red from embarrassment. I sat down softly on the couch.

"Sorry it's a dump," he said under his breath.

"No, it's-"

"Questions?" he interrupted. I looked at him with soft eyes, but he looked everywhere except for back at me.


He exploded in anger. "Don't fucking look at me or say my name like that. I knew I shouldn't have fucking taken you here. Get out!" he roared. He punched a wooden board and it cracked under his fist.

"Stop!" I ran to him. I grabbed his fist and held it in mine. His knuckles were already bruised and were bright red from the agitation. Tears swelled in my eyes as I looked up at him. "What happened to you?

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