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1. an institution for educating children.
2. (when attending, in especially high school) the worst possible time to have a baby.

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"You're twisting my words around."

"No, I'm pretty sure that I'm not."

"You're being ridiculous."

"How am I the one being ridiculous?"

"Because you actually want to keep it."

"And you don't?"


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When entering high school, everyone has those dumb and totally irrational fears and insecurities. Let's face it, the concept of high school is honestly so scary. To be a freshman in high school, it means you're at the bottom scale on everyone's radar and sometimes you can feel like such a nobody. But most of the time those fears go unnoticed by your classmates and the upperclassmen, and usually you'd be able to fit in pretty well no matter how much of a nobody you really are.

That is, unless, you go and do something stupid that will be inevitably heard by your entire school. Your reputation in high school defines you for the next four years.

Completely by accident, Harry and Louis are about to destroy the good reputations that they had going for them.

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