An unexpected turn of events

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(Previously on Back In Time)

"Kashi did a forbidden jutsu that you created."

"You had to physically kill the person you were using the jutsu on."

"when you want to wake the person up, you have to heal all their injuries, including the one that the caster inflicted. If this is not done before they wake up, the subject will not survive."

"If all injuries are not healed before the five days are up, the jutsu will fade and he will die."

Minato proceeded to tell Obito the story of the white fang...

(Now on Back In Time)


The next morning, everyone woke up at the crack of dawn.

... With the exception of Obito of course...

Sakura POV:

As I gut my things together, I noticed that Obito was still sleeping. I got up from my spot and went over to him to wake him up.

I shook his shoulder, and his eyes slowly opened to look in to mine.

I gasped in surprise at what I saw....

Why did Obito have the sharingan???

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!! STOP THIS! STOP THE STORY" Sakura and Obito looked up to find Author-San storming over.

"OBITO WILL NOT GET HIS SHARINGAN UNTILL HE BATTLES THAT INVISIBLE NINJA TO SAVE KAKASHI-CHAN!!!" Author-San yelled as she shakes the sharingan right out of Obito.

"NOW WE HAVE TO RESTART THE SCENE ALL OVER AGAIN!!!" Author-San yelled as she stormed off.

Oh.... btw.... HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!! Hope you enjoyed that!! Real chapter will come out soon!! Been busy with the nieces and nephew!!

Oh, don't want to leave it there, do you???

Well FINE!!

Slight teaser into...... future chapters

The two shinobi stood in front of the God, they were silent as they couldn't find the right words to express what they were feeling.

"A second chance?? Whatever do you mean by that??" Said the male

They both had matching eyes, as they were from the same family.

The God responded "You will be going back in time to help out some of your friends who also went back. Think of this as a mission. One you won't come back from...."

The two looked at each other and the girl said. "I want to go brother"

The boy nodded his head in agreement.

The sage of six paths opened the portal, and sent them back.

Back to team seven.

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