Chapter 3

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At long last...


"Good afternoon, fifth years!" Professor Sprout yelled. "Everyone, take out your dragon-hide gloves. Today we will be examining the Fanged Geranium." I opened my eyes wide with excitement as I slipped my gloves on. "Now can anyone tell me what is so unique about the Fanged Geranium?" I wished I knew. "Let's see," she mumbled, standing on her toes. "Yes! You in the back...Sosa, is it?" I looked at her victim; the new Slytherin seeker.

"S'right." He said with a smirk on his face. He had dark eyes to match his hair. His eyes were filled with mayhem.

"Well then?"

"I dunno. It's got..fangs?" He laughed along with his posse. Sprout rolled her eyes in disapproval.

"The Fanged Geranium, Mr. Sosa, does indeed have fangs, I'm glad you took time and thought to answer my question, but what makes it unique is its ability to bite. It will attack when not properly taken care of. Now, once we go over proper care of Fanged Geraniums, I will be assigning a project. Your objective: properly take care of the the little devils, and don't get bit. If you get bit, you lose points. Easy enough?" 

"Professor?" Jack raised his hand.

"Yes, Jackoby?"

"But, what happens if we do get bit? What are the side effects?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." He looked worried while everyone else giggled a bit.

"Just try not to get bit and you won't have anything to worry about." I whispered. "You'll be fine."

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