18 My Brother's Beta

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18 My Brother's Beta


For those of you who don't remember, Maddison is the evil girl from St Louisa's who pulled a knife on Beth. If you still don't know her, I suggest you re-read chapters 4-6 :) or maybe just chap five, if you can't be bothered like me n_n lol


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Chapter Eighteen

I went frozen in shock, staring straight ahead at the familiar blonde hair and steely blue eyes. She had her arms folded over her chest, wearing a striking low-cut dress. Her perfect lips smirked at me, obviously seeing my distress from the mere look of her.

Aaron, seeing my sudden change in mood looked up at me. "Beth?"

I couldn't blink, couldn't move.

"Beth, answer me," he pleaded. Seeing my eyes still gazing ahead, he spun around and took in Maddison's appearance, before growling at her and turning back to me. "Beth, who is she? Bessie? C'mon, Beth, you're starting to scare me."

"She's..." I started, but my throat felt like sandpaper.

"I'll tell you who I am," Maddison started, grinning evilly at Aaron. "My name is Maddy. I'm a modeling friend from England."

Aaron looked down at me, still frozen. "I highly doubt that."

"What?" she said, looking undisturbed. "Oh, she's just shocked to see me here."

"I doubt that too," Aaron growled back at her. I could see that he was getting really anxious - I hadn't moved for a while now.

"Here, I'll prove it," she smiled, walking over to me. Underneath her calm face, I could see that she was worried about whether I'll snap or not if she comes too close.

Walking up to me, she put her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug that prevented me from hitting her, anyway. Pulling away with a small grimace on her face, she smiled up at Aaron. "See? We're practically best-"

I cut her off by punching her square in the face. She screamed, but I could still distinctly hear the sound of her nose cracking. I bet she could too.

"You bitch!" she screamed, futilely trying to hit me back. Aaron stepped forward, blocking her wilds attempts from me. "I only just fixed my nose from when Issy Larson broke it!"

I tried not to laugh as I remembered when Maddy had pulled a knife on me in Home Ec., and Issy stepped in and broke her nose. It was probably the funniest thing I had ever seen, but I was too shocked to laugh at the time.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your daddy can pay for a new one," Aaron muttered before grabbing my hand and gently pulling me out of the room.

"I heard what you said, you know!" she called out after us, making me stop in her tracks.

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