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Halfway. watching the movie, we heard the crash at the back door. Sam was quick to stand. It happend in a second, really. One moment we were laughing watching the Finding Dory together and suddenly we were surrounded by a dozen of strangers wearing mask and dark clothing.

No conversation. No self introduction (what do I expect?) They just started to attack. With the intent to kill.
"RUN!!" Shout Sam, already punching and kicking those who were withing his grabbing distance.

As if. But dammit. This will be easier without Sam here.

Fuck it. Without me ordering them, Ray and Maya dropped low and push the small button under the couch, pushing it out of the way before opening a small hidden compartment full with weapons. Ray, reach the gun while Maya reach for the butterfly knife.

I notice the attacker movement were supernaturally fast and it raised my hackles. We definitely need to run or else, Sam gonna know about my secrets more than he needed to.

But he's fighting for us...

"Maya... that wouldnt do much to them." Two lung toward Ray, and Sam leaped, kicking hard on the attackers head.
"What the fuck, Gea! I told you to run"
"Shut up"
"Fuck" came out from his lips when he saw more are coming. He glance at me, showing his exasperation.. huh? It seems like Mr. Sam here got something he wanted to hide to.
"If you have something to help us use it. I'll do it too. Kids, stay behind my back"
I push them behind my back. And invoke the energy locked deep within me. All the while, feeling a strange vibration on the air, tingling sensation prickling my skin. Okay, That's definitely not because of me.

I look at Sam and saw him change into a giant grey werewolf.


"Woahhhh awesome!!" Hoot Ray. And it was drowned by Sam's growls, the attacker's curses and body crashing on the furniture.

Four attackers hesitate and changed their target to me at the last minute.
Tough luck.

Invisible force blasted them away out, crashing on the wall into a useless heaps of bodies. That made everyone stop and stare at me.

I can almost see what they were thinking. They are going to use this new information and bring it to whoever their leader is.

I cursed and lift my hand. All of them levatates. Sam changed back into his human form and oddly, he's still fully clothes.
"Can I kill them?" I asked darkly. Sam stare at them, clenching his hands.
"They came and attack you. tresspasing. You have every reason to kill them."
"But? I can hear but at the end of that"
"Let my pack handle this. We need information. Killing them wont stop their advance."
I bite my lips, thinking it over.

"Promise me..."
Sam unclenched his fist and turn his body toward my direction.
"What are you?"
"I dont know." I said softly, it was the same question I've been asking myself since I could remember.
"I cannot promise that because I have to report to my Alpha.."
"Then let me see your Alpha."
Again, he was doing that staring thingy again while thinking.

"Could you quit doing that?"
"Fine. Just keep a low profile- You know what? Its your own risk."
"Whatever." I turn around and look at both of my kids. I can see they were putting on their brave face, but they are still kids afterall. I hug them and they return it with tighter grip.
"Thank God, you guys alright."
Their body tremble slightly and I touched their head, willing them to fall asleep. And they did just that. Its easier to compel someone who accept and needed the suggestion more than anything... and it pain me to know they easily fall into it.

What does that say about my parenting skill?

I know they are having hard time and its taking toll on them. Maybe... im not suited for this afterall.

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