3. Doggo at the Mall

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The two had spent the rest of the day together. Ethan loved it, being able to spend time with another person, not over the internet. He really enjoyed showing the Irishman around town too, his reactions to many things were... well, it was as if he'd never seen something like it before.

And coffee, Jack couldn't seem to get enough of it. And Ethan was happy to provide as much as he could with his limited amount of money. He couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Jack's eyes go wide over a little plush dog he found at the mall.

"You want it?" he asked, smiling lightly. Jack's eyes traveled up to his face. His face was filled with confusion. Ethan pointed to the dog, lifting it into his hands and holding it out to Jack, "You want the dog? We can get it if you'd like."

"Oh, no, I couldn't do that! You've already bought me enough already!" Ethan chuckled, still holding out the dog to the other man.

"Come on, it's not any more expensive than you're coffee."

"Bu-but, I really don't need the dog. It's not needed, so it's not worth buying," Jack's voice sounded more like he was repeating something than actually stating his thoughts. Ethan just shook his head and kept the dog in his hands.

"Let's go pay, then. We've got everything we need from this place anyways," he said, very purposefully not putting the dog back. Jack obviously liked it. And it also seemed the guy hadn't gotten much of what he wanted, or liked, during his lifetime.

"Aren't you going to put the dog back?"



Anti was taken by the small dog toy immediately. It was small and soft, and very cute. But he knew he couldn't have it, so he stared at it for a few moments, imagining what it would be like to have the pleasure of being able to get whatever one wanted.

And then Ethan was talking to him, asking him if he wanted the dog. And of course he did, but he wouldn't. Ethan had already bought him two of those coffee things. He wasn't risking asking for a third thing.

"Come on, it's not any more expensive than you're coffee."

"Bu-but, I really don't need the dog. It's not needed, so it's not worth buying," Anti repeated what he'd been told by Dark for as long as he could remember. Get the necessities. We don't get what we want, it's not worth it. It'll be too much, and we'll end up getting less of what we need.

"Let's go pay, then. We've got everything we need from this place anyways," blue hair said, tucking the dog into a space in the cart that held food and drink. Anti blinked a few times, before opening his mouth in confusion.

"Aren't you going to put the dog back?"

"Nope," Anti frowned and trailed Ethan like a confused puppy.

"But it's money..." he trailed off, hoping Ethan would come to his senses. He knew Ethan didn't have much money to be spending. He should be focused on buying the needs for himself, not the little things Jack wanted.

"I know, but it's literally a buck fifty. It's not much since it's only the one. Besides, you want it, right? So, I'm being nice and giving you something you want." Ethan said as they made their way to the cash register. The cashier looked at them strangely, especially since Anti kept complaining about Ethan really not needing to buy the dog. It's just a toy, he doesn't need it. It's okay, he can leave it. And Ethan was just shaking his head fondly!

When Ethan had paid for everything, including the dog, he turned to him with a smile. He had the dog held in his hand, now outstretched to Anti.

"Go on, it's yours now," he said, his voice sweet. And not the silky sweet that Dark tended to use on his various victims, nor the overly sweet voice liars use when they try to make something sound better than it is. No, this was kind, honest.

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