Chapter 6

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*warning* this chapter has some adult content and if you're under 13 or sexual abuse is a trigger please skip a majority of this chapter!

Thanks you much for reading my story! Please vote, comment, and share with your friends!! My update schedule will be rather sporadic, but I'll never have you waiting longer than a week! Love y'all so much!


Cas's new friends had been acting weird all day long. Or maybe they were acting normally and yesterday they'd acted weird? Well, either way, Jo and Dean seemed to be having a non-verbal argument that started the second Dean walked into school. For some reason, unknown to him, Sam had ridden to school with Jo instead of Dean.

"Just tell me what happened!" Jo finally shouted while they were waiting for seventh period to begin. Dean and Castiel had math, and Jo's classroom was right next to their class. Dean and Jo always talked until the bell rang. She sounded very frustrated.

"Nothing happened." Dean replied cooly.

"I dema- Oh my god! Look!" Jo changed her tone very quickly. She nudged Cas in the ribs and whispered, "That, my dear friend, is Charlie Bradbury. The most amazing woman in the world. She's coming over here! Why is she coming over here, guys!?" Dean laughed at her reaction. Cas wondered if they were still angry with each other. The girl she was talking about was the same height as her, had long red hair, and a pleasant smile. She looked nervous.

"Hey, JoAnna. Um, when do you wanna meet for our history project? Are you free today?"

"I'm hanging out at Dean's house today, but you're more than welcome to come over there, right Dean?" Jo looked pointedly at Dean.

"Yeah, of course. We'll all be doing homework and you can stay for dinner too, if you'd like."

"Are you sure? Your dad won't mind?"

"Nah, it'll be fine."

"Cool, so I'll come right after school. See ya." She smiled at Jo as she walked away.

"You're welcome to join us as well, Cas." Dean offered, looking hopeful.

"I don't know. My parents are out of town and-" Dean cut him off suddenly.

"Wait, you just moved in three days ago and your parents are already 'out of town'?" The bell rang, so the two boys separated from Jo and went to their own class.

"Yes? Is that a bad thing?" Castiel was confused.

"Well, no. I just thought since you just moved in, they might stay with you a couple weeks before they went back to work. I mean... If the traveling thing is their job?"

"Yes, the 'traveling thing' is their job," Castiel said with amusement in his eyes. "We had to move and they wanted to move my brother and me somewhere safer than New York City. This was the only other option."

"Wow, Lawrence, Kansas or NYC. Tough choice!" Dean joked. Castiel smiled in response and got to work on the pages assigned for the day. He so badly wanted to keep talking to Dean, but he didn't want to get in trouble on his second day here. In all honesty, Castiel wasn't sure if he wanted to go to Dean's house after school. He knew Gabriel wouldn't have a problem with it if he promised to get his homework done, but he couldn't risk falling in love with Dean. Castiel knew what happened to people like him in his family. It happened to his brother, Michael. Castiel was just 11 and Michael was 17 when it began. They were very close and Michael told Castiel a secret one day.

"Castiel?" Castiel was laying down under his blankets and Michael had just finished putting him and Gabriel to bed. Across the room, Gabriel was already asleep.

"Hm?" Castiel answered in a sleepy voice.

"I'm going to tell you a secret and you cannot tell anyone, promise?" That woke Castiel up. He loved secrets! He nodded earnestly, eyes wide. Michael smiled and double checked that Gabriel was still asleep. He was and Michael smiled at the little boy eagerly awaiting a secret. Castiel felt pretty special that he was going to get to hear a secret no one else knew. He had never been told a real secret before, because he had no friends. The other kids at school did not like him and teased him all the time.

Michael toed his shoes off and climbed into Castiel's twin size bed. He was practically laying on top of the small boy, but Castiel didn't mind.

"Before I tell you the secret, I'm going to do something, but that's a secret as well, okay? You can't tell anyone, ever." Castiel nodded again, his eyes wide with anticipation. 'Must be a good secret,' thought Castiel, 'its takin' so long to actually get to it!' Michael reached the short distance to Castiel's small stomach and splayed his hand across it, pulling his Batman pajama shirt up a bit. Castiel quickly became confused, but when he began to question his older brother he was told to be quiet.

"Don't make any noise now, Castiel. Remember, tell no one." Michael's whispers reassured Castiel and he let his brother continue. His hand moved slowly and deliberately lower and lower until he reached the waistband of Castiel's pants. He stopped there for about a minute and then removed his hand, only to roll completely on top of the eleven year old. Michael straddled Castiel and pulled his legs up underneath him until his knees were flush with Castiel's hips and their eyes were even. Michael put his hands on Castiel's hips and, taking his time, slid his pants down. Castiel began to get nervous again, but Michael's soothing whispers quickly calmed him. Michael began touching him and refused to stop until Castiel agreed to touch him like that when he came back in a few days. Castiel felt dirty, but he agreed. He trusted Michael and he would never hurt him on purpose, right? "Do you wanna know the other secret now, Castiel?" Michael whispered after he had pushed Castiel's pants back up his sticky, wet body. Castiel nodded, though he wasn't as enthusiastic as before. "I like boys instead of girls. I've known since I was your age, but couldn't tell anyone. Mommy and Daddy say its not supposed to be that way. You can't tell anyone that you feel the same way, but I'm here now. I know how you're feeling. You've got a crush on that boy at school, don't you?" Castiel didn't reply, but he was filled with shame. When Michael left, Castiel cried himself to sleep. It went on like that for a few weeks. After, Gabriel was asleep, its amazing what that boy could sleep through, MIchael would lay with Castiel in bed and touch him. Sometimes, Castiel would be made to touch Michael, but not usually. It happened once or twice a week for a month and eventually got to almost every night. Then, Michael told Castiel to throw a fit until their parents allowed him to sleep in Michael's room; to say that Gabriel kept him up at night and he'd rather stay with Michael. Castiel got his way, or rather Michael's way, and his bed was moved into Michael's room, where it went beyond just touching. Gabriel finally noticed something was wrong, because, "why would Castiel just stop liking him?", and asked Castiel about it. Castiel, of course, denied it until much later. When Castiel was 13, he finally told Gabriel. Gabriel was horrified and immediately notified their parents, who called the police. Michael was 19 now, so he was tried as an adult and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Gabriel became Castiel's bodyguard and they were practically inseparable from then on. Castiel's oldest brother, Uriel, a lawyer, came to stay with them for a few weeks and help with legal things. Uriel was never much fun to hang out with, but he loved his brothers dearly. After a couple weeks, everything went back to normal, except without Michael, and Castiel was more fragile than he had been previously.

The bell rang signifying the end of the day and Cas jumped. He had only done one math problem. "Finishing these tonight is going to be a pain," he muttered to himself.

"Hey, so you wanna find out if you can come over? You can just ride with me if you want and you can spend the night or I'll take you home?" Dean smiled at him kindly, as he stood over him, waiting for Cas to pack up his things.

"I'll ask my brother, just let me find him." They were silent until they got to the hall and heard a voice from behind them.

"What's up lil' brother?!" Gabriel was shouting, though he was only three feet from them.

"Um, Gabriel, this is my friend Dean. Dean this is Gabriel... my brother."

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