chapter 2

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          Emily's Pov

Last night I stayed at Spencer's, everything seems so different here in Rosewood where I lived in Canada people seemed more reserved. The school that I went to, the people found it difficult to accept my sexuality, which is why I'm surprised I've been confident in Rosewood to tell my friends I'm gay. I wake up on Spencer's sofa. We all fell asleep watching a movie last night. All I could think about was Alison, however I'm not ready yet to tell anyone I've got a crush on her. I've only seen her twice but, didn't have a conversation with her due to my shyness. I notice Spencer getting up going outside to answer her phone.  I get up realising the time ,I see Hanna eating breakfast so I join her.

"Who's Spencer on the phone to"" ? I ask her

"Probably Alison she will probably be around shortly so your probably see her ""hanna says

""No way your joking? I've got to go anyway I need to collect me swimming stuff ""

"Em come on she's not that scary your have to talk to her sometime""
Hanna Laughs

Spencer comes back in after being on the phone ,grabbing the cereal box pouring some milk into a bowl.

"Who was that your on the phone to??" Hanna ask

"Just Ali she's going to be here any minute don't look so nervous Em" Spencer says looking at me

"I'm not nervous I'm just shy it's a totally different thing all together"
I say with a jokingly tone

The door bell rings.  I immediately feel my heart beating faster, Hanna runs to the door answering it , she comes in the kitchen with Alison Hanna and Ali are linking arms together.

"Hey Ali this is Emily she's new here she's from Canada "

"Hello Emily it's nice to meet you "

"Hey Ali so I've got to go and grab my stuff from home before school so I'll guess I'll catch up with you all later "
i say

"Oh so you swim then Emily? I'll guess I'll be seeing you Alot more I'm a Lifeguard "

"Yeah i do swim  and I saw you the yesterday in the school corridor anyways not meaning to be rude but I better go "

"Okay is it me or did Emily seem really keen to go once I got here??" Alison ask

"She's just really shy around certain people Ali don't take it personally  "Spencer says

I grab my bag leaving the others there feeling so embarrassed, I've never had a gf before so this is all new to me. Alison is so beautiful her blonde her and blue sparking blue eyes. I get home getting changed putting my swimming stuff into a bag  leaving for school.

Once I get to school i see Hanna Ali and Spencer getting out of her car. I walk past them quickly ,hoping they don't notice me but Hanna calls my name.

"Emily are you okay ??? you dashed off rather quickly earlier ""
Hanna ask with Alison beside her

"Yeah im okay just needed my swimming stuff that's all ""
I look at Alison and she looks at me We both smike I look away shyly

"Okay as long as your okay Emily" Hanna says

"I'm fine stop worrying Hanna anyways I've got history then swimming I'll see you at lunch "

          Alison's  Pov

I get to school after meeting Emily for the second time ,I have to say she's beautiful but wait, no i can't say that I'm straight I've never ever fancied a girl before in my life. I think I like her, I love how shy she is towards me. I can tell she likes me by how she acts , I can't be completely certain. It's weird because it's usually the boys who fancy me not girls, so for a girl to fancy me it's a new experience. Normally every girl wants to be me. I get into swimming class sitting on my chair where I usually sit ,some girls come running in so I tell them off for running.

(Emison) the lifeguardWhere stories live. Discover now