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Student Mental Health Week was off to a start as boring as it sounded. Dr. Castro had rejected the student appeal to cancel school this week for the sake of the holiday, and to Dr. Edsel's dismay, he had to break the bad news.

"You knew this was coming," he told the upperclassmen in Jasper Hall. "Because of all of the shenanigans that have been going on, we need to do everything to improve our image. Harvard and Yale declined to have a rep visit the school, so everyone who isn't a legacy can't count on the Rinzen seal to seal the deal." He paused, laughing at the corny joke. "Along with Dr. Everts, our the grief counsel counselor, there will be various journalists and the local news team giving highlights of the week." His gray gaze was suddenly serious; the family resemblance was more obvious than ever. "Absolutely no funny business."

Just like that, they were dismissed.

"Olive said that Castro slammed down the video," Jeno told Miren when they were outside. Most (okay, everyone) was headed toward the cafeteria, but it was hard to have an appetite after hearing his news.

"That's not surprising," she said, readjusting her glasses. It was more of a surprise that they thought they could show it in the first place. "She shouldn't have presented it. Castro and Dr. Van Helsing are basically best friends. She has to hate anyone that hates Penelope, and Olive has made that almost as clear as Miren did. Get Edsel to approve it."

"He said he's too swamped to try to refigure this week's schedule." He rubbed his chin as they walked toward the gazebo embedded in the forestry. "Then he'd think I'm doing it for Olive, and he'd run his mouth and then Penelope would find out and kill me."

"I thought I told you to end things with her." She wrinkled her nose. No, she wasn't jealous, but this was getting annoying. The more she tried to consider Olive or Penelope's angle, the more confused she became. "Besides, she's harmless."

"Is that really so, Miles?" She rolled her eyes.

"All I'm saying is that she won't try anything as long as she feels like her popularity isn't threatened. Olive is that threat, so you just need to present the video in a way that isn't threatening." She shrugged. "Or maybe it's best that she doesn't show it."

"Honestly, the whole thing is more of a biography than anything. Like an Unsolved Mysteries episode," he told her as he leaned against the wooden support of the structure, his eyes briefly touching the small pond behind it. "It's incredibly objective, but I think it really helps to defuse the idea of you being mentally unstable." He shrugged. "Unless you're actually mentally unstable."

"Fuck you." She rolled her eyes. As much as she wanted to take a peek herself, she'd just end of nitpicking. That is, if Olive didn't see through her first. "Try to see if Chara can take a look at it too. She goes to Rosemunde, so she can help the narrative on that side." She closed her eyes. "But I'll think of a way to get it back on."

"Alright." Jeno nodded, shifting his weight back to his feet. "We have a few days. Friday is the health film seminar at Rosemunde's auditorium."

"Remember the dumb homecoming season midnight ritual?" she said practically out of nowhere, her fingers running along the aged oak wood of the gazebo. "It feels like an eternity ago."

"It does," he admitted, turning toward her with a shadow of a smile. "Somehow things were more simple then."

"I know, right?" She pulled her backpack over her shoulder. "Maybe after this week, things can at least pretend to go back to normal."

The Class Reject: A Martyr in Maelstrom (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now