Free!-Ryūgazaki Rei

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Request: Wessy007

Sorry if this chapter is one of hell crappy. Enjoy


Normal POV

"Rei-chan, I heard that you got a new friend! Who is it?" Nagisa asked his friend, Rei during lunch with other 3rd years students, Makoto and Haruka who stared at Rei with full of interested. Rei started to blush little and looked away. "I-I don't know what do you mean" Rei stuttered and Nagisa smirked. "You stuttered! That's mean, you ARE got new friend! Who is it?" Nagisa asked, with full of sparkled on his face. Rei groaned at his best friend and looked away. "Don't want to."

Rei said made Nagisa pouted and forced Rei to speak up. Makoto and Haruka just watched their juniors fought each other and Rei groaned annoying.

"Okay fine! I'll show you who is it!"

"Yes, let's go now!"

"No, we will meet him during end of school!"


End of school

"Alright, let's go!" Nagisa shouted happily, jogged down at hall with Rei, Makoto, Haruka and Kou who decided to join too followed Nagisa from behind. "So, what's this person looks like?" Makoto asked, glanced at his one of junior. "Well, h-he has soft (Curly/Straight) (H/C) hair and he third years. Oh, he also has (E/C) orbs and wear glasses like me." Rei explained and Makoto stared at Rei for moment before glanced at his best friend.

"He seems familiar, right Haru?" Makoto asked and Haruka nodded. "We're here!" Nagisa screamed, startled everyone except Kou who hushed the group before slowly opened the door, to see a student that Rei just described talked to a female teacher but stopped when they heard the sound of door was slide open, to see Rei, Kou, Nagisa, Makoto and Haruka who stared at the student in shocked.

"(N-N/N)?" Nagisa called out made the student recognized the person. "Nagi-kun?" The boy whispered and glanced at the 3rd year who still stared at him in shocked. "M-Mako-kun, Haru-kun?" The student whispered out in shocked before frowned and looked away. Rei and Kou looked at their friend and seniors in confused. "Makoto-senpai, Haruka-senpai, Nagisa-kun, you know him?"

Rei asked and Makoto nodded, felt a pang of guilty sent toward them. "That's our friend....We kinda playing truth or dare and..." Makoto didn't finished the sentence was cut off by (M/N) who walked out to classroom and purposely pushed Makoto by his shoulder. "(N-N/N)-chan! W-Wait!" Nagisa called out but (M/N) just ignored him and walked toward cafeteria. "Senpai, what's actually going on?" Kou asked and Makoto sighed.

Makoto explained about they played truth or dare and Haruka got dare by Rin to date with the lonely boy, (L/N) (M/N). (M/N) thought the date was real until he realized when he heard the talking between Haruka and his gang chatting to tell the truth. And the letter of 't' turn into 'r'. With that, (M/N) don't want to talk with them anymore. Rei stay silent and decide to search his senior by running toward the cafeteria, leave others at the hall.

Once Rei reached cafeteria, he saw (M/N) eating alone with some device in his hand. "(M/N)-senpai!" Rei called out, taking (M/N)'s attention and before (M/N) saying anything, Rei grabbed (M/N)'s wrist and dragged toward the outside of school, ignored (M/N)'s protest. Once they reached, (M/N) snatched his hand back and glared at Rei who didn't flinched at it. "The hell do you want, Ryugazaki?"

(M/N) growled, glaring to his junior that once he trusted. "(M/N)-senpai, I will treat you better." Rei said bluntly made (M/N) blinked. "W-What? The hell is that supposed to mean?" (M/N) asked and Rei took step forward, grabbed (M/N)'s hand as he startled (M/N) little. "I will treat you better and I promise that Makoto-senpai, Haruka-senpai and Nagisa-kun that they felt guilty. They want to say sorry to you but you keep pushed them away from you.

Does everyone serve a second chance?" Rei explained and what all (M/N) do just blinked. "T-The hell you're talking about-MMPH!" (M/N) cut off by Rei who smashed their lips together, sent a huge blushed around (M/N)'s cheeks. When they broke the kiss, (M/N) blushed and glared at Rei.

"The hell-!"

"I love you."

(M/N) stared at Rei full of shocked. Did he misheard? "W-What...?" (M/N) stuttered, felt blushed more appeared on his cheeks. "I say I love you, (M/N)-senpai. I have a crush on you since the first time we met." That's true. Rei have feelings toward (M/N) during their first met. That's why he always hung out with (M/N) instead Nagisa and others. So does (M/N) who also had crush on Rei. (M/N) blushed more and looked away.

"D-Do whatever you like. I don't care. just another dare...." (M/N) mumbled the last part, hope that Rei didn't heard but it's seem he is. "No, it's not a dare." (M/N) glanced at Rei who stared at (M/N) full of serious face and hug the older male made the older male squeaked. "Please, senpai. Let me show you how much I love you." (M/N) just stay silent before let out sighed. "Whatever you say, Rei."

Next Chapter: Request! (The request still closed) 

My first time doing one shot so go easy on me. Don't own anything except my plot. You belong to yourself though.

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