June 19

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Ally: You at your apartment

Lauren: Yeah

Ally: Want some company?

Lauren: Al, I love you but I just need to get this done

Ally: You've been putting a crazy amount of pressure on yourself the last couple days, what going on?

Lauren: Because I need to propose before Camila does!

Ally: Why does it matter who proposes first? And how do you know she's going too?

Lauren: She proposed in her sleep

Ally: Hahaha omg what!?

Lauren: She was literally asleep and she proposed

Ally: Does she remember?

Lauren: No she doesn't even remember what time she fell asleep!

Ally: I still don't understand why you need to propose first..

Lauren: She needs to know

Ally: Know what?

Lauren: That I'm in this because I love her, all of her

Ally: She knows that, Laur

Lauren: You don't understand

Ally: Then help me understand? I've never seen you like this it's worrying me

Lauren: No one else is worried

Ally: Mila would be, but the second she is around, you act fine

Ally: And Mani has been working like crazy, one of the other waitresses quit so she's been working doubles and Dinah has been pretty busy lately too

Ally: If they were around more, they'd be worried too

Ally: Talk to me, Laur

Lauren: If I give you a list of some things I need can you pick them up from Blick Art??? We can talk when you get here

Ally: I'll bring coffee too, I'll head over there now, send me a list

Lauren: Wait.. Don't you work today?

Ally: I got one of the guys to cover my shift at the Theatre, you're more important than a four hour shift

Lauren: Thank you

Ally: Anytime


Camila: We just got this really cool book about art at work, it about like influences in modern art and how artists in history have influenced today's culture

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