Chapter 84

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Rory was seated at the island in the kitchen, watching as Logan made a light snack of grape tomatoes and mozzarella cheese cubes. Even though she had a later lunch, her stomach was rumbling again.

Logan placed a plate in front of her. Reaching for a tomato, Rory felt an odd sensation in her stomach, stretching across her abdomen before letting up. Shaking her head, she took a few bites of the snack and chatted with Logan.

Several minutes later, the sensation returned. Rory turned toward Logan. "I feel funny, like a weird feeling in my stomach and abdomen."

Logan's eyebrows furrowed together. "Like a contraction?"

Rory shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I've never had a contraction before. It wasn't painful, just odd." Another feeling came over her and she stood from the barstool. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. Be right back."

Moving down the hall toward the first floor bathroom, Rory wondered if this was the onset of labor. As she entered the room and turned to close the door, an entirely different sensation overtook her: her water had broken.

"Logan! Logan, get in here!"

Rory heard Logan quickly approaching. He knocked once then opened the door. Seeing the puddle on the floor, confusion colored his features as he shifted his gaze to Rory's. "Couldn't make it all the way to the toilet, Ace?"

"Not funny! My water broke!"

Panic was evident on Logan's face. "What? We're still nine days from the due date!"

"That doesn't matter, Logan! My water broke, which means Lora is well on her way!"

In that moment, it was as if a calm fell over Logan. He moved with precise effort, grabbing clean clothes for Rory to change into and helping get her in the car. As soon as they were on their way, Rory called both the doctor and Lorelai to let them know it was time.

Logan made the trip from Stars Hollow to Hartford in twenty minutes, speeding like never before. He kept one eye on the road, whipping between lanes, and the other on Rory, who was beginning to breathe heavily in the seat beside him.

"You doing okay, Ace?"

Expelling a breath, she nodded. "Yes but I am starting to feel sharp pain and pressure so I'm trying to get into a rhythm with breathing." Rory knew contractions would be painful— she seemed to recall her mother mentioning something about sitting on a crate of dynamite while in labor herself— but this was quickly approaching her limits. And she was likely nowhere near the really painful part.

Logan pulled to a stop in front of the emergency room. He jumped out of the vehicle, running around to Rory's side as she opened her door. She slid off of the seat and turned to sit down into the wheelchair that was waiting.

"Rory Gilmore?" the nurse behind the wheelchair asked.

Rory nodded, pushing another deep breath from her lungs.

"You can park in the lot ahead of us. We have room 748 ready for her. Come right up when you're through." The nurse turned the wheelchair around, pushing it toward the bank of staff elevators. "Rory, my name is Kristy. I'll be the nurse on duty until eleven. Once we get you settled into your room, Dr. Cameron will come in and check you to see how far dilated you are."

Rory nodded as the elevator door opened to the seventh floor. Kristy walked briskly down the hall, turning left at the end. Finding her way to room 748, she helped Rory get changed into a hospital down and strapped the fetal monitor to Rory's stomach. As she was getting into bed, Logan came into the room.

Kristy walked to the door, hesitating briefly to say she would let the doctor know Rory was ready to be checked.

Logan looked at Rory. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess."

There was a knock on the door. Dr. Cameron poked her head in. "Okay to come in?"

Logan waved her in. "Absolutely, Doctor. Come in."

Dr. Cameron stood beside Rory's bed. "So your water broke. Having any contractions yet?"

"Yes, they're starting to pick in intensity."

"How far apart are they?"

"About eight minutes."

Grabbing a latex glove, Dr. Cameron moved to the foot of the bed. "Sounds like you've still got a ways until the baby will be here. Let me check your progress to see how far you are."


Luke and Lorelai moved toward the elevators in Hartford Hospital, waiting for one to open. Lorelai was anxious. Her baby was in labor. She was ready to be there for Rory. Ice chips, back rub, whatever would bring comfort and relief as she brought Lora into the world.

Lorelai's gaze fell onto her own pregnant stomach. The irony didn't fail her that she was at the hospital, awaiting for the arrival of her first grandchild while she was carrying her second and third children within her.

The elevator door opened to the maternity ward floor. Seeing that they had to check in to be buzzed into the ward, Lorelai relayed who they were there for and the room number. After the information was confirmed and visitor passes were given, Luke and Lorelai were directed to room 748.

Finding the room, Lorelai knocked and waited for a muffled "come in" before entering. Lorelai found her daughter leaned forward in bed, clearly having a contraction. Logan sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her back and talking quietly to her. After about thirty seconds, Rory's face relaxed and she fell back against the pillow.

"Hi Mom, Luke. I thought you would have been here sooner."

Lorelai shot Luke an annoyed glance. "Someone was too busy siding the addition and ignoring my calls so we got a later start than I would have liked." Turning back to Rory, her gaze softened. "How are you?"

Rory gave a half-hearted smile. "I'm in labor, Mom. I'm not doing so hot."

Lorelai moved closer and placed a hand on Rory's arm. "What are you dilated to?"

"Dr. Cameron checked me when I first got here a little over an hour ago and I was dilated to three. So many more hours to go." A frown marred Rory's face.

Lorelai offered a weak smile as she pulled up a chair, prepared to settle in to help welcome her granddaughter's arrival.

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