twenty two

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The train has arrived and the two both walked inside to look for a good seat. The seats had tables in between so they took both sides for themselves. Hermione apparently brought a textbook with her, so she was sure enough to be ready for her N.E.W.T.S. which happens to be next year.

Draco surprisingly didn't complain, but he watched her looked so focused and concentrated on a book. He thought she looked beautiful.

Hermione looked up to him who was leaned against the window, and she smiled. "Oh, I knew you'd be bored by me. Hold on.." said Hermione, she opened her bag, pulling out a small box with strings attatched to it on a device that looked like a pair of earmuffs.

"What's that?"

"A walkman. It's a music player that lets you hear music on a pair of headphones, lean forward, I'll show you how it works." Said Hermione, she places the headphones onto his ears, puts on a cassette, and then presses a button to play.

Draco was amused that he was hearing music directly in his ears, and that they were also coming out of the earmuffs. "This is amazing," he said under his breath.

"Well, I've got two other more cassettes for you to choose from. If you want to skip the song, press this button. If you want to pause it, press this button with two lines. If you want to eject the cassette, press this button with triangle with a line. To play the music you just have to press this triangle. Got it?"

"Yeah, I think I do" he says pressing the play button that continued his song. Hermione smiled at him because he looked so fascinated as if he was just like a little kid.

Hermione turned back to her book, pre-reading a new textbook about charms, when she was interrupted by Draco's abruptly loud music coming out of his headphones, playing Mambo No. 5

She couldn't help but to laugh at him because he was so into the music, that he started dancing to himself.

"Draco, draco!" Hermione tried to talk to him, "turn the music down a little, you're gonna go deaf!"

"What?" Draco asked, not really hearing what she said. She rolled her eyes and sat back, rolling her eyes. Idiot. She said to herself. A kind of cute-idiot. She thought.

Thirty minutes had passed and they were still on the train, Hermione decided to take a rest for a while. Draco wanted to play a different cassette on the table, pressing the eject button. However for him, who is in fact has experienced listening to a walkman for the first time, the cassette didn't come out. He thought had done something wrong, so he kept pressing the same buttons, but it didn't work. Now, he's pressed basically all the buttons of the walkman and the cassette flew out of the music player.

To his surprise, the cassette not only flew out of the player, it also released black strings of tape from it. He automatically thought he broke it, but he didn't want to tell Hermione.

However, he doesn't know how to put the tapes back inside the cassette, so he tried jamming everything inside it.

"Fuck fuck fuck" he muttered under his breath.

It took him a while until he's decided to hide the cassette in his pockets. I'll just buy her a new one. He said to himself.

Though he still wanted to play more music because the train ride was getting boring, and he didn't want to bother the sleeping beauty.

He placed a different cassette Hermione gave him, and oddly enough, he managed to do it perfectly.

He pressed play, and leaned his head on the window. Multiple songs later and he has slowly drifted himself to sleep.

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