08. Memories

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"Listen, there is nothing bad with being in love or liking someone, but if that someone uses wrong head for thinking, then you have a problem," one of the maids I've grown close to, Stella, says as she sits on my bed, her legs crossed. "And most of the time, they do. They aaall do from my experience." She shakes her head as she finishes her rant about men.

"Wrong head?" I inquire as my other maid, Alicia, makes wonders with my unruly curls, styling them so they look decent.

"Aw, you really don't know, you're so adorable." Stella leans forward, pinching my cheek. "Stay innocent for as long as you can, dear."

"Can't believe we thought this sweet creature is the Prince's mistress," Alicia says behind me, her fingers skilfully taming my hair. "Plus, the Prince is no different than you, also a sweetheart."

"If you are not his mistress then what are you? Royals usually don't bring their maids with them since they are provided to them. When someone of royal blood comes with a woman, she's either his higher ranked mistress, wife or a family member, no exceptions," Stella says.

"I am his adviser. There is a whole lot of wisdom in here, that's why I have so much hair, something has to protect this." I tap my temple with my fingertip, grinning as the two of them laugh lightly. "But other than that, the Prince is nice and is helping me with something."

"Oh, nice doesn't even cover it. He sometimes helps servants when they bring him tea or food," Alicia adds. "Pretty sure he's not a prince, more like a pure angel, maybe if we put him in a dark room, he would glow. Angels glow, right?"

Before I can reply, a flurry of repeated knocks resonate within the room, making the three of us shift our attention at the door. Stella stands up and walks over to open them, standing aside to reveal the crude guard from yesterday, a frown on his face as he looks everywhere but at me. 

"Let me guess, this one is the idiot from yesterday?" Stella asks me with an arched eyebrow, making me nod. "That explains a lot, this ratbag is known for being touchy, I can handle this quickly if you wish." She shakes her dust cleaner, taking a step towards him.

"No, it's fine." I stand up after raising my hand, letting Alicia know to stop working on my hair. I walk towards the doors, dragging my tongue along the inside of my cheek as I stare at him with a deadpanned expression. "You better have a good reason for showing up here, my knees are well rested and ready to kick."

He winces, shifting on his feet uncomfortably. "I've come here to-" he coughs, looking up. 

"Come again?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"I've come to..." he mumbles something incoherently, making me step closer to him until there's a small gap between our bodies as I muster up my coldest glare. "I- I... I've come here to apologise for my behaviour that was not a way to treat a lady I hope you can forgive me," he says in one breath, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

"That was weak," Stella says, shaking her head, twirling the dust cleaner between her fingers.

"Oh, and you had that moment of enlightement all by yourself?" I demand.

"Look, c-could you please accept my apology?" He asks, pulling at the collar of his shirt as he glances behind him. I notice a movement behind one of the walls, someone clearly hiding behind it and listening. That someone undeniably reminds me of Niall.

I smirk as I realise what this is all about. "Hmm, I don't know... ladies, what do you think, should I accept it?" I look at them over my shoulder.

They exchange looks and smile mischievously. "No," they simultaneously reply.

"Please, I- I won't ever do that again, I'll start giving flowers to every woman I see from now on and- and compliment their dresses- damn it, just accept my apology!" He starts sweating.

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