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Today was my birthday... how fun.

Positive points:
1) I got my hair cut. But just a few inches shorter and styled.

2) I got band T-Shirts, spider earrings and a P!ATD CD.

3) I watched John Wick 2. It's amazing.

4) My father got me a spider. But not just any spider. A Choca Golden Knee Tarantula. She's so cute and so far her name's Angela. My baby brother calls her that.

Negative points:
1) My older brother forgot my birthday... again. The last b-day he congratulated me on was 9 years ago.

2) The two people closest to friends forgot my birthday.

3) I'm mad at my other brother because he stole from my church. It was a ping pong ball but still. Who steals from a church?! And I can't even be mad at him.

4) I'm not aloud to keep Angela at my mom's house.

5) Me and my mom fought because I can't keep Angela, even if she was going to be in my room the whole time. And now she says I'm selfish because I don't respect her phobia of spiders. Really, I won't even let her out in front of you and now you're saying I'm selfish. Look who's talking.

6) My ex-friend wants to be friends again but I still feel betrayed.

7) This is my first birthday without any friends.

So in conclusion, another birthday ruined. But at least I can sing along to 17 crimes.

You know:

Let's love and kill like 17 now!

At least I only have 14 months of school left. Yeah, I count. So what.

I'm really tired right now and I'm listening to P!ATD.

And their music video of Emperor's new clothes won't leave my head. But I'm not complaining... haha

Okay, bye.


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