Chapter VII

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Please remind me next time that I should NEVER EVER ask myself if it can get any worse cause it can!

I was walking to Filch’s office for detention with James and Sirius trudging along behind me when suddenly the staircase once again decided that it would be fun to move. It was not for me. I hadn’t expected it to move and when it suddenly did I slipped and fell. This time, unfortunately, I was only at the beginning of the staircase when I fell. I was vaguely aware of Sirius and James calling my name. I fell down a couple of steps before my head hit one of them and black spots appeared in my vision. I tried to shake them away but before I knew it, I was unconscious.


I was woken up by a sunbeam shining down on my face. I blinked.

‘What if she never wakes up?!’ A girl’s voice said, she sounded angry and concerned at the same time. Was it Lilly?

‘Of course she will. It’s Faith. No pun intended’ A male voice closer to me said. James?

‘How can you make jokes?! My best friend’s is unconscious! You are so self-centered!’  Suddenly I was aware of the pressure on my hand. It felt like someone was holding it. I moved my fingers slowly before opening my eyes. ‘Oh thank god you’re awake!’ The girl’s voice I’d heard earlier exclaimed before I was suddenly attacked by fiery red hair.

‘Lilly?’ I asked in a soft whisper. She pulled away to look at me. ‘What happened?’

‘You fell of the stairs.’

‘Again?’ She nodded. ‘Well that sucks.’

‘Yeah definitely. Luckily you were only knocked out and you have some bruises.’

‘Lucky me.’ I said drily.

‘It could have been a lot worse Miss Campbell.’ Said Madam Pomfrey. I hadn’t even noticed her coming in. My senses are dull... I looked around me. I was in the hospital wing, again. All the beds were empty except for the one I was in. I inspected my arms, like they said, only bruises. When I tried to lift my hand, I noticed Sirius.  He was asleep on a chair next to my bed and I couldn’t help a smile spreading on my face. Lilly smiled at me.

‘He’s been here since the moment he carried you in. He refused to leave.’

‘What time is it now then?’ I asked wondering for how long I’d been out.

‘You’ve been here little less than a day.’ She said calmly. ‘It’s just past dinner time.’

‘He hasn’t slept all night.’ James chuckled. For me?! What the bloody hell would he do that for?

‘Where are Remus and Peter?’ I asked.

‘Remus needed to study, he’s just left five minutes ago. We kicked Peter out because he was annoying.’

‘Out. All of you.’ Madam Pomfrey said. ‘She needs her rest.’

‘Aw Pleaaaase!’ I pleaded. ‘Can they please stay.’

She didn’t budge. ‘No.’ She said firmly. ‘Miss Campbell needs her sleep.’ She shot a look at Sirius who was still fast asleep on the chair and she sighed. ‘Mr. Black can stay I suppose. Out now. Leave.’

I watched my friends leave the room before I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

When I woke up again, the sun hadn’t gone up yet. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I had no idea what time it was but I guessed it was around two o’clock in the morning. My eyes scanned the hospital wing till they landed on Sirius. He was still asleep. I poked him and he jumped up and fell of his chair. He stood up again and glared at me. ‘Oh good you’re awake.’

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