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  Hi there readers  there's Maddie . I've got a great day today at school more or less.

   I came to school and I noticed one of my BFFs wasn't there. It was Jane she was missing.I felt lonely then I realised I still got two BFFS to spend breaks with.

   Do you know why Jane didn't come? I asked Steph

    No but I hope  she's alright. She answered.

      Let's call her! I said

       Ok. I'll call her. Steph told me.

        After she missed 3 calls she sent a message to us.

       What's wrong? I was in the bathroom.

        What's wrong ?! Really? Maybe this stupid girl has forgotten that is Friday today and we have school.

         Ok forget it Steph the English teacher came in. I said .

           Before Physics classes Steph announced me that she won't come at this class and I was like What?! because if she wouldn't come I wouldn't have someone to stay with .We had to make groups for a project. I didn't want to do it alone cause  I'm not good at all so I sat down next to the smartest girl in my class even if she was already part of a group- the most popular girls in my school. Hopefully I was getting along with 2 of them because we  sometimes walk togheder and talk after classes but at school they seem like i don't exist.  And  the other two were my best friends in the past but I don't know what happened and I didn't even realise but it came a day when they didn't talk to me anymore.  And it remained one I was getting along well with her once...  in the 1st grade then again I didn't know what happened with our friendship. I was really that bad? They didn't say anything and  behaved like I was in their group too. It was perfect till one of my haters  sat with us. It didn't take long and the boss of the group told her.

      Leave us  Angie! Nobody can stand you there!  Girls don't talk to her  alright?

      We all nodded. But i felt bad  cause it could happen to me too.  She was a human with feelings like us. I think... Ok ok I'm bad I meant she is.

       After this class everything became normal. Nobody was talking to me apart from my friends. I saw Angie crying on the stairs . I went to talk to her.

      Angie are you alright?

       M-maddie why are you talking to me? I made fun of you so much time and  I hated you because you are beautiful and you have true friends.

        Oh Angie ...thank you... if I were you I'd be nice to people this way  I could make  some new friends. 

        Thanks Maddie and I'm so sorry. She said and wiped her tears.  I was happy that I  helped her and my friends were proud of me too.

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