Ready To Comply

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Fucking FINALLY I'm back and HOLY SHIT this is an intense chapter prepare urselves. Also I found the video I attached to this chapter on youtube and really liked it, have a look. The Competition (As mentioned in last Chapter) is still open and I'm really loving the stuff I've seen so far. If you want to do a one-shot or drawing or anything else then by all means go ahead.

Anyhoo, on with the chapter

"They should have been back by now."

Steve was pacing the heli-carrier nervously, wringing his hands together in front of him. He and Bruce had got back to the carrier over half an hour ago, and they were still waiting on Bucky. Tony looked back from his seat at the front. He still wore the red Iron Man suit, but his mask had slid back, giving Steve a perfect view of his calm face. He wasn't worried at all.

"The guy is a professional, Rogers, he's fine."

Steve let out a disgruntled sigh and sat back down, his knee spasming up and down. "No. He knows this place, he should have been back by now. Something is wrong."

"We'll give him five minutes. If he's not out by then you can go and check what's happening."

Steve sighed, unhappy with the answer, "You said that five minutes ago, Stark. I know Bucky. He's not the type of guy to be late, especially not for something as important as this."

Bruce, who had been quiet for the whole conversation, piped up. He was dressed in only a knee-length pair of shorts, a thick grey blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His shirt had long-gone, ripped away as he had transformed.

"What if he's not the guy you knew anymore?"

Steve let out a noise that sounded like it was trying very hard not to be annoyed. "What do you mean?"

Bruce shrugged and stuck Steve with a disbelieving look.

"He's been under HYDRA control for over half a century, Steve. He's not going to be the Bucky that you knew in Brooklyn. Are you sure we can trust him?"

Steve scratched the back of his neck and sat down next to Bruce, wringing his hands together in front of him nervously. He turned his head to the side and looked at the black-haired man with no trace of uncertainty in his eyes.

"I would trust James Buchannan Barnes with my life, HYDRA or no HYDRA."


Bucky's torso jerked upwards and then slammed back into the chair he was strapped to with such ferocity it wouldn't surprise Erin if he had broken a bone. She struggled against the arms of the man behind her, but with a gunshot wound to one shoulder and about 3 pints of blood missing, she was in no position to escape.

"Bucky!" She screamed, her throat aching as the wind passed roughly through it. Her voice was hoarse. Pine looked back at her, then moved his gaze to Bucky, who was still convulsing, a noise coming from his mouth that was barely human.

"He's not going to be Bucky when he wakes up from this, Erin," Pine told her. He had to raise his voice slightly to be heard over the whirring of the machine that was sucking the memories right from Bucky's head, and his screaming, which had lowered now to the occasional small grunt of pain.

Erin shook her head, refusing to believe him. She had put so much into helping Bucky get his memories back. So much time and effort and love. In a matter of a few seconds, that was all taken away from her? It seemed unfair, a cosmic joke.

"Oh, you can shake your head as much as you want, Jefferson. That isn't going to stop him from coming for you."

Pine must have noticed the confused look on Erin's face. Of course, she hadn't heard his threat the first time, his low voice must have been overpowered by the whirring of the machine as it sprung to life.

Honesty ♧ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now