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My head pounded, my throat was scratchy, and my whole body ached...I was sick.

"No, I can't be sick I never get sick" I thought to myself."No, I will not be sick" I got up and got dressed.

"Hey" I heard a sleepy voice echo.

"Hey" I tried to not sound stuffy and tried to make it seem like my voice wasn't gone.

"Are you okay you look a bit tired" He asked while getting out of bed.

"Ya I'm fine I'm still waking up that's all" I tried not to make eye contact with him so he didn't see the dark circles and the bags under my eyes.

"No you're sick" He came over and examined me.

"I'm not sick, I'm perfectly fine" I grabbed my knife and started to leave."Okay, I have first watch I'll see you in a bit" I went to lean in for a kiss but Carl stopped me.

"I can't kiss you you're sick" He teased.

"I'm not sick" I defended.

"Yes you are and you're not going on watch I will take your shift you need to get some sleep" He took my knife and directed me towards the bed.

"I'm not sick and I am going on watch" I protested while leaving the room.

"Y/N get back here" He yelled as I made my way downstairs.

"No I have to get on watch before Abraham kills me" I said rushing out the door.

"What's going on" Michonne and Rick asked.

"Y/N is sick and she refuses to go lay down, and she doesn't think she is sick" Carl said.

"That's because I'm not sick" I yelled back.

"Hey, sweetheart" I heard my dad Daryl coming near."You look a bit pale are you feeling alright" He asked which made me sigh in anger.

"I'm fine, I have to go on watch" I left.

"See you're sick" Carl shouted but I ignored him.



"Should I go after her" I asked Michonne.

"No, just let her go, she will soon realise that she is sick and that she needs you, so just be there for her when she comes back" Michonne chuckled.

"She's so stubborn at times" I sighed.

"I know where she get's that from" My dad teased as he looked towards Daryl's direction. He scoffed and went back to eating.

"She will come around just give her some time" Daryl added."Us Dixon's don't like help, we don't like the fact that we need help, but when we realise we do, then we pretend that we don't need it, but in reality we do" He said.

I nodded my head as I went back upstairs to finish getting ready realizing I was still in my pj's.


Y/N P.O.V: 

"Hey, it's about time you got here I have been up here for like 20 minutes" Abraham teased as I climbed up onto the watch tower.

"Sorry I woke up a little late" I said.

"You okay, you look like shit" Abraham said.

"Thanks" What every girl wants to hear.

"Sorry but you look sick, maybe you should go get some rest" Abraham said.

"I'm not sick and I'm fine I don't need rest" I coughed.

"You're sick and you look tired" he said.

"Ya, I'm sick and tired of hearing that I look sick and tired" I said frustrated.

"Okay sorry" Abraham went back to looking out over the outside of the gate and we sat in silence until his watch was over.

"Hey Y/N how long have you been up here" I heard Rosita say as she climbed up taking over Abraham's spot.

"To long" I joked.

"You look a little under the weather are you feeling okay" She asked.

"I'm fine" I tried to keep my cool.

"No you're not" I heard Sasha's voice coming from behind me.

"I'm not sick, I;m not tired, and I will not go get some rest because I am fine" I defended.

"Carl told me everything I'm here to take over your watch, look go back to the house Carl said he wants to see you" Sasha climbed up and motioned me to get down.

"No" I said. suddenly I felt a pair of hands grab around my waiste and pull me down."What the hell" I looked around to see Carl dragging me down.

"Come on were going home" He picked me up in the bridal carry postioned and made his way to the house.

"I hate you" I whispered while holding onto his neck for support.

"No you love me" He teased.

"You two are to cute" I heard Sasha yell as I stuck up the middle finger at her and she stuck her tounge out at me. I giggled and rested my head on Carl's shoulder.



As soon as we hit the house and we got inside Y/N was out like a light.

"She's asleep" Michonne whispered and giggled.

"Yep, she's just as bad as Judith" I teased.

"Hey, I heard that" Her muffled voice in my shoulder echoed in my ear.

"Come on let's get you upstairs" I carried her up the stairs and put set her on the bed.

"Thank you" She whispered while burying her head the covers. I got in beside her and put my hands around her waist.

"You're sick" I whispered.

"Ya, ya I'm sick" She whispered back.

"Go to sleep" I said softly in her ear while playing with her hair running it through my fingers and slowly rubbing her back she instantly fell asleep.

"I love you" I whispered softly before joining her in a peacful slumber.


Y/N P.O.V:

"I can't their to cute" I heard Maggie whisper.

"But it's his turn for watch and I'm not going to cover for him again" Glenn pouted.

"Oh come on, I'll do it then" I heard Maggie whisper.

"Come on just wake them up" I heard Glenn enter the room.

"No don't" Maggie grabbed Glenn and pulled him back out so he was standing in what I was pretty sure the doorframe. All of a sudden Carl's thumb started to make circles on my back siganling that he was awake.

"No need to you already did" I mumbled through the pillow that my face was resting on.

"See what you did" Maggie hit Glenn's arm.

"Ow" He whined.

"You stay in bed, I have watch I will check on you in a bit" Carl kissed the top of my forehead and then left for watch.

Maggie and Glenn gave me a smirk. Glenn made the hand singnal for sex and I threw the pillow at him.

"Shut up" I threw another one as they closed the door and both giggled and went back downstairs.

I quickly fell asleep again in hope that I would feel better once I woke up.


I hope you guy's like that chapter more will be coming!!!!

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