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- present;

It's actually happening.

How did I got from hating him, getting drunk with him and now spending a whole day with him?

"You look nice." He says as I sat beside him in his car. He was wearing a casual yet stylish outfit that says 'i'm an idol, but I want to look less like an idol today'.

"Thanks." I say as plainly as I could. I wore a flowy short white dress, contrasting to the black leather jacket he was wearing. "Aren't you feeling hot?"

"It's about to rain later." He says as he starts to step on the engine. "I was just preparing myself."

"The weather says it's going to be pretty hot today." I argued, pulling my phone from my straw purse.

"In Seoul." He adds as he smiles slyly at me, then looks away to start driving in the road.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled and confused at the same time.

Right, I agreed to let him take me out for one day but I didn't know where he was bringing me to. What does he mean?

"We're going back to our hometown." He chuckles as he sees surprise in my face, then continues,

"We're going back to Daegu."


He brought me to his parent's restaurant.

When we got there, I didn't know what to say or what to do. I haven't seen them in years, nor even heard from them. Do they even know what happened about us? Are they still against his dreams?

I mean, his reality now.

"I'm glad you came." His mother says, flipping the sign from the door that says open. "Hello to you too, how have you been?"

His mother has always been quiet. Polite because she was quiet, and she never once disrespected me nor insulted me.

"I'm good, it's been so long. How are you doing? How's his brother?" I looked at Yoongi who was sitting in front of me. He looked relaxed and laid back, as always.

"He's good, we're good. The business has been good, lots of fans come here everyday." She says with a smile. She looks a lot older now, but still very youthful. She really looks like him.

"Yes, I don't understand what they see about Suga that they like so m-" his father suddenly comes out from the kitchen but stops as soon as he saw me. I stood up and bowed my head right away.

Suga? Why does he call him by his stage name?

"Hello," I say, lifting my head up slowly. "It's nice to see you again."

"Welcome." He says sternly yet calm, his facial muscles loosening. "Welcome back."

"Hello, father." Yoongi says, taking his father's attention from me, but it didn't work.

"How are you, Eunji?" He says, then laughing nervously afterwards. "That's your name, right? Or was it Yumi?"

Is this real?

Is his father actually not smiling, but laughing with the sight of me?

"I'm... i'm good," I say, glancing at Yoongi as I do so. "I'm a doctor now, well almost, I just have to finish my i-"

Just One Day | Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now