Saving Adi

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This is first ever story which started today and ending today only... It was meant to be OS, but my mind was full of long ideas.... So it turned out as three shots as TS....
First of all big thanks to my little sister
Thanku dear to help in that mid night..... I knew only you must be awake so i asked your help at last....
Next thanks to....
Di my only di who asked me to continue and don't stress myself. So sweet of you di.... Thank you so much for your love and concern.. And I'm totally fine....
Next thanks to chotu
Reason you both know well i asked you time... And you both spared me for that instead of firing back.... I promise i will complete my promise till evening.... Because I'm tired after doing this story.... So please give me more time a little....
So my lovely and regular readers.... Sweetymitu
Tanvi_4(my little baby)
Sorry if i missed someone....
Enough of thanking and my banter and here is the update part 1 enjoy readers....
"Adiiiii....." shouted both ishra as soon as they reached the place.
Raman looked at worried Ishita who was more restless then him.... She was searching them like mad he was also not less worried but he was worried more for her too.... She has BP problem she will spoil her health...... Her kids not real one but who will say that she is their step mum.... Not even him.... She loves them more than she loves him....
He goes near her and holds her by shoulders.....
Ishita-raman..... See adi is not picking his phone too.... Aliya phone is also not reachable.... I don't know what.....what to do.....
How....How we gonna find them....??
Raman-ish..... Ishita listen.... You really think that panicking will help us finding them.... Relax yaar.... If we will spoil our health then how we are gonna find them...let's ask some people here...
Ishita nodded and they headed to ask others..... Some men told them about adi aliya sitting in panchayat..... Both horrified ran towards them. As they reached their they men were manhandling adi and aliya..... Adi was bleeding badly from his head and many other places....
Ishita's heart sank seeing adi in that position. Raman couldn't look at the sight his eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing. His son whom he loves more than anything...... His first child his adi.... For him what-what he has done. And his baby was standing weak in front of his eyes.
Adi's eyes were shutting down due to weakness. Suddenly his eyes fell on his frozen parents.
Yes frozen they were literally froze seeing the sight. Adi smiled faintly seeing them and opened his eyes to see the view clearly. Men have made him sit on his knees down. After beating him badly when he tried to oppose them or save aliya. Aliya was continuously calling adi's name. But she couldn't go near him as men were holding her tightly.
Adi smiled faintly and tried to get up.... Slowly taking floor support. One man saw him that he is trying to get up..... He took his stick and hit him on his head.... Adi stammered and fell down, saying in whisper.
"Ishi..... Maaaaaa..... "
Ishra'trance broke at that sight. Ishita felt like someone has stabbed her heart with any sharp object.....
Raman-aaaaeeeee...... How dare you....??
Raman stepped ahead, snatched that man stick and started beating him..... Ishita ran to adi. Aliya was still struggling.
Adi just forwarded his hand in his lying position.
Ishita goes near him and sees him keenly sitting near him kneeling down with full of tears, she forwards her hands to touch him but backs, she forwards again an again backs..... She was just concerned that what if she touches his injured parts.
Adi saw his mother's hesitation.
He slowly tries to get up but losses his balance and falls again. This time Ishita winces in pain and supports him holding. He immediately hugs her crying keeping his head on her chest. came...?? I...i.. Thought I will never see you and Papa again. See how much.....
(dekho naa kitna maara hai mujhe..!!)
Ishita embraced him protectively. Raman was fighting with men alone. Aliya was not able to get free.
Ishita adi parted she looked at his bleeding head. She took her pallu and wiped his blood slowly.
Adi-aaahhhh...!! Adi winced in pain.
Ishu blewed at his injury and he closes his eyes feeling his mother's warmth.
Just then his eyes fell at his father. Who was fighting with men. But he was alone. Adi saw one man going from back to hit raman with stick, as raman was busy fighting with others.
Adi shouted loudly....
Raman turned at adi's scream and Ishita looked the direction where adi was seeing in horror.
Till then it was too late and raman got hit on his head and he fell down wincing in pain.
Ishita looked on shockingly with her eyes wide open.
The two lovable person of her life were lying on the floor like that.... She looked at man angrily who has hit raman. Adi too got some courage seeing his father getting beaten up. Ishita stood up walks angrily glaring that man. She pushes him from back and he falls because of sudden jerk. And his stick fell near ishita's legs. Raman saw another man approaching towards ishita from back. He intangled his leg in his and he falls down near adi. Adi starts kicking him badly. Ishita starts hitting that man angrily....
Raman too got up slowly and handles others.
Ishita-who the hell are you to hit my son and my husband, I will break your hands.
Aliya taking the advantage bites one man his hand and he leaves her wincing in pain. She turns and hits another by her leg in between his leg. She hurriedly picks up mud from down and throws on their faces.
Sarpanch comes near Ishita to stop her, he was about to hold her but she turns suddenly and seeing him near her without any second thought she hits him too in between his legs. When he bends down wincing in pain she slaps him and he falls down. Adi was trying to fight but as he was too weak, two men holds him and third man tried to hit him. But raman comes in mid stopping him and pushes him back. He hugs adi embracing him.
Adi cries hugging him.
Adi-papa you ok..??
Raman-im fine beta.... You got much injured... Just look at you.... But....
Raman couldn't complete and some men again attacks them.
Both tries to fight but got surrounded badly. Ishita aliya saw that. Both ran towards adi raman with stick and beats them.
Aliya-Amma, raman uncle we can't win over them we have to run. All four looked at each other and agreed. All four picked some mud in both hands and throws on every men faces.
Aliya holds adi's hand, Ishita holds raman's hand. Four of them starts running.
Sarpanch shouts in anger.
Sarpanch-they should not go alive from here.... Find and kill them.
They all reached in some forest running....
Raman and adi were going on weak because of bleeding on their head.
Adi fell down while running.
Ishra stopped and trio helped adi in walking.
Panchayat men were searching for them.
Raman-adi walk beta.... Please we need to get out of here.
Adi smiles faintly at his father.... Who himself was not able to walk properly.
Adi-papa you are also falling weak....
Raman-you have got blind..... Your father is more stronger than you....
Ishita-stop you both of you.... Fighting here also.... Just sit for 2 Min... They are not near any more....
They sit near some bushes as they were in forest area not fully forest.
Raman saw adi's head bleeding. He took out his hanky and gave to aliya.
Raman-tie him....
Aliya took the hanky and covered his head to stop the bleeding. Ishita tores her saree and ties around raman's head. Ishu was sitting between raman and adi. Raman smiles seeing her crying.
Ishita-what is so funny in this.
Raman-adi... These girls are...... so..... dramatic see..... they are crying..... Tell them men don't feel pain....
Adi-exactly..... we..... are perfectly fine...
Ishita and aliya cries looking at them. Adi faintly falls in ishita's lap, and at the same time raman keeps his head on her shoulder. Aliya sits near Ishita's leg to look at adi. Ishita looks at both of them crying. She keeps her one hand on raman's cheek and other on adi's head.
Men were still searching them but they were still far away.
Raman and adi were resting on Ishita.
Ishita was worried seeing them injured and she couldn't take any help from anywhere.
Suddenly aliya heard some horn voice.....
She looked at Ishita and she also heard it. Aliya signed her that she will check..... Aliya goes a little forward and sees that they were near main road.... She looks here and there and...... Far away she sees a truck coming. She runs back.
Aliya-Amma I think we can get out of here come we are near road.
Aliya helps adi in walking and Ishita helps raman. Adi was literally at the verge of fainting.
Raman whispers slowly audible to only Ishita.
Raman-ishita.... Help adi first I'm waiting here.
Ishita-but raman...
Raman-im ok Ishita just go...
Ishita-ok.... But.. You sit and stay here only i will come to take you.
Raman nodes....
He looks at Ishita adi aliya going and smiles faintly.
Raman-i know..... you will..... Surely..... Come back....
Adi was about to fall.... Ishita aliya both holds him...... Trio comes on the main road. Till then truck comes near aliya asks for lift... Truck was carrying some goats at back,with dry grasses. Driver sees them injured and stops. Aliya and Ishita helps adi in climbing up at back side. Aliya too jumps up. As soon as adi reaches up... He had lost his all energy.... He falls unconscious.
Aliya-Amma you bring raman uncle.
Ishita reaches to raman to take him. Just men arrive from other side with guns, sword and sticks. Aliya sees them from up and sits down to hide.
Aliya-now how Amma will come...
Driver sees those men with weapons coming towards the truck. He gets scared and drives away. Aliya couldn't shout, Because if they hear they will see her.
Men were shouting in themselves.
"Find them, kill them, don't leave them., "
Ishita hears them and sits there itself hugging raman. She helplessly sees the truck going away. But somewhere she sighs in relief.
Goons goes in other direction and didn't see ishra.
Ishita parts a little from raman and looks keenly at him. She combs his hair with her knuckles.
Ishita-raman.... You trust me right....?? Don't worry get us out from here..
Raman-i know..... My.... My madrasan is.... jhansi Ki raani.... Atleast our kids..... are.... Safe now....
Ishita-come on get up we have to move ahead for help.
Raman takes her support and stands up. He keeps her hand on her opposite shoulder and walks stammering.
Ishita-carefull raman nothing will happen to you.... I promise....
Raman smiled faintly at her but found difficult to walk.
Aliya adi were travelling in that truck. Adi was unconscious.
Aliya-what will i answer adi... When he will ask about Amma and uncle.... How will I tell him that i left them there in helplessness. I.... I have to do something..... I have to call family but how....??
She remembered keeping her phone in her pocket before making coffee. She searches her pocket and finds her phone.
She joins her hand and thanks to murugan thousand times. She wipes her tears and calls Mani first. But couldn't connect so she calls romi.
Adi comes in sense a little and calls ishimaa faintly.
Aliya-adi.... Adi you OK...??
He looks around and finds no one.
He tries to get up. His head pains. He winces in pain and holds his head.
Aliya-adi.... Adi... Just relax.... You are injured please lay down.
Adi again looks around.
Adi-where..... Are we..?? And... And where is Papa.... Ishmaa...??
Aliya stammers......
Adi-aliya..... Answer me.... Ishimaa.... Papa.... Where are....
Saying this he faints again.
Aliya cries and calls home again.


NEW ISHRA TS-saans chute par saath na chute... :COMPLETED ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora