thirty one

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"Class, I'd like to remind you that as the year is coming closer to an end, about your year end essays." Ms. Campbell said as she paced back and forth. Lauren was suddenly reminded, as she had forgotten about it.

"It's about a significant event in your life that has shaped you. I'm sure most of you would have already have something in mind. If you've already done some college application essays then you may use what you've made there, just tweaking it a bit. If not, then this is the perfect time to start. This is also the moment to test if you've really learned anything in English class over the course of your time here." The bell rang and she made her way back to her desk. "Happy writing, everyone!"

Dinah didn't show up to class, making Lauren think she was late. When she got to the lunch room, she saw all faces but one. It wasn't Dinah. She sat down, feeling the anxiety coursing in her veins again. She turned to Dinah.

Dinah held her arm tightly, her face serious though trying to be calm. "Lauren, Sinu called me this morning that Camila blacked out again and that she's in the hospital."

Lauren felt the now familiar feeling of her heart dropping to her stomach, she felt cold sweat start to form at her nape. Shawn and Ariana tuned out of their conversation, as Lauren felt her pounding heartbeat do the talking.

Her first instinct was standing up before Dinah pulled her down again, holding her in place. "Lauren, she didn't want you to know because you won't go to school. When you get home, she'll probably be at home."

Lauren nodded, taking a deep breath and just focusing on keeping herself from falling apart.

Dinah didn't bother her any further as they started discussing what they were doing for their year end essays. Dinah was doing one about growing up the oldest in both her family and extended family, for Shawn it was about how music and charity work helped him discover himself, and for Ariana it was about how she trail blazed by following her passion for cheerleading despite growing up in a family full of opera singers. Lauren just said that she hasn't really thought about what to put and they didn't push her any further. To be honest, Lauren was just too preoccupied with Camila and how she could be doing.

She walked home immediately after the final bell sounded, getting lost in her thoughts as she made her way home. When she saw the Cabello household and made her way there, somehow the anxiety grew worse with every step closer. Her knuckles were white as she knocked, anxiously waiting for an answer.

A surprised Sinu answered the door. It was the first Lauren lauren took a good look at her and noticed underneath the twinkle in her eyes and the smile she was showing, was someone who was tired. It made her heart ache. "Lauren, good to see you so soon. Camila is upstairs."

She smiled back amidst her nerves because it was the least she could do for the woman. She carefully made her way upstairs. The door was left ajar, but she knocked anyway. She heard a groan on the other side. Lauren wasn't sure if that was a yes or a no. She braved her way and carefully stepped through, opening the door.

Camila was lying in bed, a pillow over her head. She sensed someone in her room and groaned again. She took the pillow out, and propped herself on her elbow. "I said I want to be left alo-" She spoke with her voice raised, her eyes widened and she stopped when she saw Lauren.

Lauren was speechless as well because she never heard Camila speak as such before. Lauren felt the anxiety seep out as she was already facing her. "Um, is this a bad time? I'll leave now if-"

Camila sat up, holding out her hands. "No, Lauren. I'm sorry, I just had a rough day. Please stay." Her voice softened, Lauren sensing pleading in the last bit. She sat down beside Camila.

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