Chapter Ten

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I stood there, motionless in front of Korra as she held my hand. We looked at each other, in silence as if, she was trying to figure out what was happening, just like me. I didn't know what to make of the situation. I have been best friends with Korra for many years and yet, at this very moment, I couldn't decipher her actions.

I knew she was vulnerable despite her tough exterior, she had always been like that. But this was the very first time, I saw her this helpless. I wanted to stay. I really did. But I didn't know if I could. Not in this situation, in a dark room, together all by ourselves.

Korra's my best friend. I didn't want to take advantage of her. It was the very first time I felt unsure about myself with Korra. I was always comfortable beside her. Feeling like I could let go, whenever I was beside her. But in this very moment, I was afraid.

So I ran.

I pulled myself away from her and left the room. To a secret nook just behind the garden. That was the spot that nobody knew about. A place I would occasionally visit whenever I needed space. To think.

What was I thinking? I mentally slapped myself hard. I pondered harder and harder, Not knowing what to do. How to face her again. I didn't want to hurt her by leading her on. I didn't want to lose her either. I pondered even more, until the sun began to rise and the birds began to chirp, not realizing I was already falling asleep.


"Asami!" I heard a voice call out to me. It was Korra. Her perfectly toned figure was slowly coming into view. She was walking towards me, wearing a lovely floral dress. Then she came closer, this time I could see her face clearly. Her big brown eyes full of wonder and joy. Her full lips curled up into an endearing smile. She was so beautiful.

But, as I was about to reach out to her, she began to fade. Her facial features became foggy, disappearing into a thick foggy mist. Her figure began to turn to smoke, vanishing into thin air. As if she was never there.


"Miss Asami!"  I shot up. Realizing what I dreamt of. One of the housemaids came into full view in front of me.

"Where's Korra?" I asked her.

"She left a few hours ago." she answered. I shifted my gaze to my wristwatch. It was already 11 am.  

I stood up from the seat. I needed to find Korra. I needed to know if she was okay.

I ran to her house, and stood at their patio. I stood there, hesitant. Wondering if I had any right to see her, after the hurt I caused her. When I promised her I wouldn't. I stood there for a moment longer, gathering up the tiniest amount of courage I had.

I knocked at the door once. When no one answered, I knocked some more. Still no one. By then I was already bashing the door, my hands beginning to bruise. The only time I stopped was when I noticed my hand was bleeding. No one was home.

"Where are you Korra?!" I screamed. I repeatedly screamed until the neighbours got out of their houses and told me off. I was petrified. Terrified of what happened to her. Silently hoping she didn't disappear because of me.

I wondered the streets some more. Wondered every nook of every street corner. I passed every dark alley, both hoping and dreading that I would find Korra, sitting on the street. I knew Korra, wouldn't be sitting in the dark on her own. She's much stronger than that. But knowing my best friend could be anywhere at this time of night is terrifying.

Suddenly, my phone rang, revealing Korra's name.

"Korra, where are you?" I asked as fast as I answered the phone.

"I'm fine." Korra answered with a coarse voice. I could barely recognise that it was hers.

"Where are you?" I repeated.

"Don't worry Asami. Just go home." She said monotonously, as if there was no life in her.

"What did he do to you?!" I screamed. I knew what her disgusting father was capable of, and it made me sick every time I thought about it. Her father has always been vicious. Ever since I met him, he has always been rude to me. Making me feel as if my I was worthless and I didn't have any right to befriend his daughter.

Korra was silent for a moment. All I could hear was her hitched breathing pattern, as if she was just crying.

"Korra, please." I begged.

"I have to go. I'm sorry." She said and hung up.


A couple days have passed since I last talked to Korra. All I got was silence. It was worrying me even more.

I called all her available numbers, no response. I even got in touch with our old friends from middle school. I contacted the police, put up some missing person posters and even went as far to the social media. No one has seen or heard from Korra.

As I stood in front of Korra's house, The words she said to me kept repeating. Like a broken record that I couldn't stop.


"Where's Korra?  Have you heard from her?" Bolin's questions rained on me like a thunderstorm. We bumped into each other on the hallways as I was about to go to class.

I shook my head. He tensed up in response and ran his hand through his hair in distress, glancing back and forth around our surroundings. We stood there in silence for a moment. Bolin has always been there for Korra, being the best boyfriend he can ever be for her.

He sighed then glanced back at me, with sadness in his eyes.

"Meet me at her house, there must be something there that can tell us where she is." He stated before walking to the opposite direction I was heading to. He let out an audible sigh that left a lot of tension on myself. I knew he was upset, which made me feel even worse about myself. It was entirely my fault that Korra ran away. I hurt her.

Classes passed by, but my mind was nowhere near the vicinity. It wandered off to the clock, constantly watching the hands move towards the time school would end. I didn't know what would happen, the moment I step out of the school gates. I didn't know if we would find anything in Korra's house that would tell us where she is. That fact terrified me.


"You ready?" I spun on my heels to come face to face with Bolin. He was leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Let's go." I answered as I closed my locker shut and walked with him.

We took his black '69 Cadillac to Korra's house. It was a quiet ride. We remained in silence, because there was nothing to talk about. More accurrately, it was too painful to talk. He didn't need to say anything at all. I already knew he blames me for Korra's disappearance.

Once we got there, the place was still empty. No sign of Korra or her father anywhere. We looked around her empty and eerily quiet house, looking for any clues as to where she might be. I was about to enter the kitchen when Bolin called out from Korra's room.

"I found something!" I rushed up the stairs to see Bolin holding a picture he got from Korra's desk drawer.

He handed it to me and I saw one very distant memory belonging to Korra, displayed on a glossy paper.

It was a picture of Korra with her parents on her either sides. She was smiling. Truly smiling. It was the same smile I saw the first time I met her. The smile that showed she was truly happy. Her parent looked delighted too. Her father was sober, which is the first time I've ever seen him be. Her mother looked beautiful, and content with the family she created. The were standing behind a wooded cabin, overlooking a gorgeous lake with a mountain range.

The photograph contained Korra's most treasured memory. Most likely a memory she wanted to come back to.

I looked up from the photo and met Bolin's gaze.

"I know where she is."

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