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Georgia's pov:

I get into school and sit down beside Jenni.

"How was it?"

"It was my first time. It was special though. I just...feel a little horrible for what I'm doing." I admit.

"Just keep in mind what Joel did to you." She says.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Anyway, what's all this about Ryan?" I ask.

"Yeah he's really happy today. I don't even know why. But he's invited us all over to his tonight. He wants to talk to you alone." She tells me.


I get up and go to Ryan but Joel gets there first.

"Why do you want to speak to my girlfriend?" Joel asks him.

"Girlfriend? Since when was I your girlfriend?" I ask.

"Uh...I mean..."

"Means I can do whatever I want, I'm not attached to you Joel." I say.

"I know. Okay, you guys talk." He says and walks off.

I turn to Ryan.

"Heard Joel was your first." He says.

"Yes. It would've been you,but you believed some fucked up lie." I say.

"Fine then." He gets up and puts his face millimetres from mine.

"But tonight I'm gonna be your second. And Joel's gonna hear it." He says before sitting back down.

I walk away.

What is he up to?

"What did he want?" Jenni asks me.

"He wants to have sex with me tonight and he wants Joel to hear it. That's not part of the plan!"

"No but it doesn't matter. Think about what the plan is for. So it's perfect." Jenni tells me.

I grin.

"Oh yeah! Thank you!" I say.

Today's gonna be a good day. Things are finally getting back on track.

Okay so next chapter gets naughty as well but don't judge, it's all part of the plan! Keep voting! {Danni}

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