Imagine - Mycroft Holmes

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...the following: It had been a tough week for Mycroft. He had been very busy with work, like he always is. You hated that so you've tought of something to change it... 

Mycroft was searching desperately for his papers. Important papers, and top secret. You asked him what he was looking for, even tough you knew. 'Nothing special.' He answered but you stared at him until he admitted he had lost his documents. Well, lost  isn't the right word since you hid them and Mycroft realised that when he looked up and read your face. 'You hid them, didn't you?' He asked and you smiled evilly.

He asked politely for the documents to be returned, but you ignored it. He tried again, now less politely, but you told him this: 'You will find them yourself. You see, Myc, it's almost Easter and I want to do something fun. But you were too busy with those stupid papers s-'

'Very important  papers that must not be in the wrong hands.' Mycroft cut me off.

'Well, I'm important too.' I said and continued. 'I've hid Easter eggs...' Mycroft let out a sigh of annoyance. '...and in the first Easter eggs is a clue for the second and the second has a clue for the third and so on. The last one will bring you to your precious documents.' You gave him the first clue and watched him think of it before searching. he found it quickly and read the next clue. 

During your little game, Mycroft actually seemed to like the questions and the searching. You had got some help of Sherlock for some questions so Mycroft needed to think deeply for some. Even though he's smarter than Sherlock. Mycroft seemed to like the game and looked pretty sad when he found his ducuments, knowing he had to work now he had finally found them. 

'You know what...' He said and put back his papers in their hiding place, 'let's do something else today. You're totally right; I should be around you more often.' 

You smiled brightly in agreement and that smile widened when he took your hand and his umbrella. 'Let's go ouside and do something fun together.' You two walked outside and Myc locked the frontdoor behind you. 

He kissed you in your neck and softly said: 'Really clever idea, to make a whole quest for me. Really clever, I'm impressed. Now, let's make this Easter a Easter to remember.'


(the picture above is the sassily smiling face he'd have when he finds out you've hidden the papers. Clever you!)

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