Ten Things That Are Not Impressive For Action Characters

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Sticking the landing . All this does is jack up joints. Collapse and roll. Hit the ground with the largest surface area possible.

Headshots . You sound like bragging gamers.

"One shot, one kill." Same as above. Aim for center mass and unload until they stop moving.

Disabling shots . Depending on the time period, you're either consigning them to a lifetime of nerve damage and pain or a slow death from infection. Also, injured people can still fight back.

Anything with a flip . Telegraphing your moves and taking several extra seconds to get it done just allows the other fighter time to block.

Throwing people . Unless you're literally trying to get some space for an escape or a ranged weapon, why did you throw them? It takes a ton of effort and now they're all the way over there.

Prolonged fights . Most brawls are over in seconds. Seconds. Competition fights last longer because there are safety limits and controls in place.

Ignoring backup . Congratulations on your 'does not play well with others' sticker.

Overly complicated weapons . Different weapons were developed to take advantage of specific conditions, be they environmental, tactical, or weaknesses in your opponent's situation. Picking the wrong one because it looks cooler just puts you at a steep disadvantage.

Basically anything overcomplicated . Climbing in top floor windows when you could walk in the service entrance. Fighting through twelve guards when you could poison someone's dinner. Training in eight martial arts styles when a pillow over the face will get them just as dead. It's not really that impressive to make more work for yourself.

(Found on Tumblr)

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